Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 70 - Wednesday January 5. 2011

D - Geography 12 - Today we will continue our work on climatology. You will need to finish up the climate description activity from yesterday and then begin work on drawing and interpreting four climate graphs (Day 72 in your week 15 package: Bahia, Brazil; Montreal, Quebec; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Yuma, Arizona). For help on how to draw climate graphs see:
Climate Graphs
Climate Graphs

Interpreting Climate Graphs

C - Law 12 - Today we'll continue with our look at intentional torts. Yesterday we focused on assault and battery along with false imprisonment (both trespass to person). Today we'll look at and take a few notes down on the infliction of mental suffering along with trespass to property and defences to these intentional torts (consent, self-defence, defence of a third party, defence of property, legal authority, and necessity). Tomorrow we'll look at nuisance, defamation of character and strict liability in civil law. This gets us to the end of the torts unit in Law 12 and next week we'll begin our look at family law. For the time left in class you have another opportunity to work on your major project (due in 13 classes).
Duhaime Tort and Personal Law Dictionary
Saskatchewan Schools Law 30 Intentional Tort on line unit
Spark Notes on Intentional Torts
Personal Injury Intentional Tort website

A - Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today we are back in the library to continue working on our Clue Us In crime scene reconstruction activity that is due this Friday. When you finish this assignment you may hand it in and then begin work on your final assignment of the year which is...

LAW 9 / 10 Forensic Science Web Page Project:

It will be your responsibility to create one section of the G.P. Vanier Forensic Science/Criminology web page. You will need to find the following information about your chosen subject / topic:

1. A description of your subject which includes an explanation of what is (history, background information, people associated with it, important milestones and discoveries)
2. An explanation of how your topic is collected at the crime scene and the tools that are used to interpret the evidence at the crime lab.
3. An description showing how the subject is used to solve crimes (identifying suspects, showing the cause of death, tracing the source of evidence or identifying a possible alternate crime scene)
4. Graphics - photos, illustrations, and animations that show and explain your subject
5. Case Study - Provide one example of how your subject was used to solve a real crime.
6. Provide URL’s as links for further investigation of your subject.

Subjects / Topics to choose from:
Forensic Anthropology
Forensic Entomology
Hairs and Fibers
Questioned Documents
Forensic Serology
Forensic Pathology
Forensic Odontology
Computer Forensics
Forensic Chemistry
Ask for other topics

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