Bingham City Police
D - Geography 12 - Today we'll continue our look at severe weather. I'll continue the BBC Weather video on wind from yesterday and then I'll show you footage from TLC video Tornado: Touchdown. After we finish looking at tornadoes we'll swich our focus to hurricanes. We'll look at the conditions necessary for hurricane development and then look at the Saffir-Simpson scale (wind speed, storm surge, and damage to structures). Your activity will be to track (plot out the path) of Hurricane Diana from 1984 and answer two questions (including question 18 from page 248 of your Geosystems text). Tomorrow we'll talk about Hurricane Katrina and Thursday sees us look at the global pattern of climate regiemes. For more on predicting Hurricane Landfall check out: Predicting Hurricanes and the NOAA Predicting Hurricanes site too.

A - Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today we are going to continue our unit on crime scene procedures and we'll finish our look at the basic stages of a crime scene search. We'll examine the ways that evidence is depicted and collected at crime scenes and then at the end of the class we'll finish our look at the CSI episode we started on Friday (A Night at the Movies). I'll review how things were collected in the episode and then I'll give you a preview of your next assignment in the class. Don't forget that you have a poster to hand in to me No Later than tomorrow. Thanks.
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