A- Introduction to Law 9/10 - Tomorrow you have your second quiz in Law 9/10 and today I would like to spend a bit of time wrapping up the work form last week on the differences between mass and serial murder and the profile of a psychopath. Next we'll finish our look at profiling by examining Geographic profiling. I'll ask you to brainstorm a list of locations in the Comox Valley that you feel crime will be more prevalent in and you'll have to justify your reasoning. For more on Geographic profiling check out:
Mapping Crime by Keith Harris
Center for Geospatial Intelligence and Investigation
RCMP Geographic Profiling

Don't forget you need to hand in your profile of a person who commits criminal mischief (computer hacking) in the class. Complete this as a “dossier file” and imagine that it will be provided to the computer forensics department of the local R.C.M.P. detachment.
D - Geography 12 - Today we'll continue our look at weather; working on an activity called “Air: The High and Low of it” (week 13 package Day 54 – winds and atmospheric circulation). After you have finished this activity you need to complete questions 19 and 21 from page 177 in your Geosystems textbook.
Don't forget, we'll start the class by looking at the synoptic chart for North America and begin to understand weather station plots. Take some time on the following sites to learn more and to practice your weather operational analysis capabilities:
WW2010 - University of Illinois Weather site
National Weather Service "Jet Stream" online weather school
American Meteorological Society "Data Streme"
British Broadcasting Corporation Reading Weather Maps
USA Today Reading Weather Maps
Practise at: Weather Office (Environment Canada) Operational Analysis Charts or at the Data Streme site above
C - Law 12 - Today you have the block to finish and hand in all work from last week. Your tests have been marked and I will post your current term 2 marks so that you have an idea of where you're at in the course. Tomorrow we will move on to courtroom structure and organization along with the roles of people who work in it, Thursday sees us look at juries and Friday we'll cover evidence. Next week we'll look at sentencing and prisons which ends our criminal law unit.
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