A - Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today in Law we will pick up from where we left off yesterday. We are going to finish our look at the biological and sociological reasons for crime. After, we'll talk about the victims of crime. Crime Victimization is a huge area of study in Criminology and we'll try to make sense of some victim statistics. You'll need to bring your coloured pencils tomorrow as you will be drawing what you think the typical victim of an assault looks like. You will need to keep in mind the demographic statistics about victims and the factors that add to the risks of being a victim. This will be due on Friday and then you will have a quiz on Monday. The quiz will be on the first four pages of your notebook (the topics we covered in Law 9/10 this week).
D - Geography 12 - Today we'll continue our look at weather, the best topic ever! We'll start by looking at the synoptic chart for North America and begin to understand weather station plots. Take some time on the following sites to learn more and to practise your weather operational analysis capabilities:
WW2010 - University of Illinois Weather site
National Weather Service "Jet Stream" online weather school
American Meteorological Society "Data Streme"
British Broadcasting Corporation Reading Weather Maps
USA Today Reading Weather Maps
Practise at: Weather Office (Environment Canada) Operational Analysis Charts or at the Data Streme site above
For the rest of the class we'll look at the composition and vertical structure of the atmosphere focusing on the bottom two layers (Troposphere and Stratosphere). There will be no homework tonight and tomorrow we'll complete the Atmosphere in the Vertical activity along with the questions on ozone. I'm so excited to be starting weather! Hail, lightning, tornadoes, and hurricanes are four on "the list" get ready, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
C - Law 12 - Today we will we'll continue our look at criminal law defenses; specifically we'll work on the cartoon activity on criminal law defences:
Create a comic strip that shows and explains five (5) separate criminal law defences (alibi, self-defence, legal duty, excusable conduct, mental disorder, intoxication, automatism, consent, entrapment, mistake of fact, and double jeopardy). You will need to show the person committing the crime (choose a crime out of the Criminal Codes that I have in the class) and then you need to show how that person could defend themselves in a court of law.
This assignment is due next Monday (November 22nd) and do not forget that your mid unit test for Criminal Law is tomorrow in class.
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