D - Geography 12 - Today we'll quickly review the Mass Wasting work we did yesterday. After, we'll look at three types of snow avalanches (loose, wet, and slab). We'll understand where they occur, why they happen, and figure out the physics of snow mass movement. I'll show you a video on avalanches and then there is no homework tonight.
Canadian Avalanche Centre
Behind the Lines
Government of Alberta Tourism Parks and Rec
Crested Butte Avalanche Center
Utah Avalanche Center danger scales

C - Law 12 - Today we will start with a brief discussion on obscenity and find out what the laws on it in Canada are and then we'll watch a Law & Order episode, Double Down from year 7, today. From tv.com...The cops' best hope of finding a kidnapped hired car driver alive is one of the armed robbers who grabbed him after a job, but the immunity deal he demands in return would effectively preclude his prosecution for the shooting death of an off-duty cop, placing McCoy in a difficult position as he seeks to placate the cops, who want the guy prosecuted, and the kidnapped man's wife, who wants every avenue of saving her husband explored.
Pau Hana Ohana & please be safe this weekend.
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