C - Law 12 -Today you're in the library again for the second day of research and preparations for your controversial legal issues project. Although today is your last day this week to work on this assignment in school, the project is not due until next week and you have two classes next week in the library as well, so you have time to finish. Don't forget to look at yesterday's post for links and the assignment explanation. If you need to swap your project files on to a memory card or e-mail it to yourself at home do so in order that you may finish the work. This is a major project mark so incomplete work will harm your grade...get it done and get it in, don't procrastinate. I've seen that you've worked hard in the library and I look forward to reading your ideas.
D - Geography 12 - Today is your Tectonics Unit Final Test. I hope you come prepared (A.K.A. you studied!) If you did study then I'm sure you'll do fine. Good Luck!
A - Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today we will continue our look at criminal forensics by looking what the "Four T's" are for marks at a scene, how fibres are used, and what ballistics is. Tomorrow we'll we look at the use of DNA and try to understand the process of analyzing it and you'll have a crime to try and solve in class.

Today and Wednesday we'll go to:
Rice University's CSI: The Experience Web Adventure to understand more about our topics.
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