A - Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today, you're going to get fingerprinted. To start we will continue our look at criminal forensics by looking at how investigators estimate time of death, how fingerprints are "lifted" at a crime scene (including what AFIS is). After, we will all get one set of fingers (and thumb) on one hand fingerprinted (our non dominant hand) by using graphite pencils and scotch tape. You will need to identify whether or not your prints are loops, arches, or whorls and then place them up on the blackboard. We will then count up the total number of loops, arches, and whorls for each finger (and thumb) for the class and graph the data.
C - Law 12 - At the end of the class yesterday you worked on questions 1-4 on page 77 in the All About Law text; these were questions were about the four parties to an offense (perpetrator, aider, abettor, counsellor and assessory after the fact). Today we'll take a couple of minutes to review the elements of a crime, types of crime, parties to an offence, conspiracy, and attempts. The activity for the class today is to take a look at six cases in the text and find out the Actus Reus & Mens Rea of the crime. You'll need to identify three things:
- Identify the Criminal Code section & briefly explain the crime
- Identify the Actus Reus & Mens Rea required for the commission of the offence
- Identify any evidence that you can find in the cases to prove or to support both Actus Reus and Mens Rea
The cases I need you to look at are: R. v. Thornton (page 70), R. v. Sansregret (page 72), R. v. Cribben (page 75), R. v. Goodine (page 76), R. v. Mills (page 84), R. v. Jackson (page 84)
D - Geography 12 - Today we'll finish the Mega Disasters: American Volcano video that we started last week. Remember that this is a good video that shows what happened at Mount Saint Helens and applies the same principles to Mount Rainier. This is a valuable resource for your project that you are currently working on. I will then give you your week six package and in it will be four very simple and easy lessons to complete (Ring of Fire, Snowline, Mountain Blows its Top, and Volcano in my Back Yard). You will have today and tomorrow in class to complete the week six package. There are some important dates to remember: Tuesday October 19th is the date for your unit final test and Wednesday October 20th is the due date for your Orting Case Study assignment.
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