Websites of help for this assignment:
The following URL’s will help:
The following URL’s will help:
C - Law 12 - Today we're going to look at the types of criminal offenses (summary conviction, indictable, hybrid) and the elements of a crime (with special attention focused on the Mens Rea - intent, knowledge, and recklessness). You'll need to work on questions 1-3 on page 67 and 3-7 on page 74 in the law textbook. Here are some websites to help:
Offence Classification at defencelaw.com
Summary Conviction explanation at Duhaime legal information
3 Main Types of Criminal Offences in BC (by John Dykstra)
A - Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today we will continue our look at crime scene investigation and you'll have time to work on your assignment in class; then we will watch the CSI episode "Burden of Proof" (Season 2 Episode 215). Don't forget that Tuesday you'll be in the library to work on the crime scene assignment, Wednesday you'll have a quiz on crime scene investigation procedures and that your Serial Killer profiling analysis is due today. If you are interested in playing crime scene investigation on line go to: Rice University's CSI: The Experience Web Adventure
Pau Hana Ohana
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