B - Social Studies 10 -Today is the last day to work on your children's book about the building of the CPR. Your project is due this Monday (the same day as our unit final). Don't forget, here are some websites that can help you:
Children's History of the CPR
Canadian Pacific Railway Archives
The Canadian Encyclopedia - Building the Railway
The Kids site of Canadian Settlement - Chinese & the Railway
Vancouver Public Library - CPR History
BC Archives - CPR
Kamloops Art Gallery - Andrew Onderdonk & the CPR
Library & Archives Canada: Canada by Train
Library & Archives Canada: The Kid's site of Canadian Trains
Musee McCord Museum: CPR form sea to sea
Musee McCord Museum: Forging the National Dream
Canada Science and Technology Museum: Railways
A - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today, you are in the library for your penultimate day (second to last) to work on your major semester long project. You can find the assignment on the school computers in K:\Mr. A. Young\Earth and Space Science 11\Earth and Space Science Major Project.pdf. Remember that your entire project is due two weeks from today. You will need to submit all sixteen completed pages (including the eight that you've already submitted). Remember that your topics need to be related to class discussions or subjects covered in the course AND you need to have a research component.
C - Criminology 12 - Today you are going to get into groups of three and make a mind map poster of organized crime groups (gangs) in Canada. You will get a handout on Organized crime (aboriginal crime groups, cartels, ethnic crime groups, and outlaw motorcycle gangs) and will need to explain the activities of each group (What do they do? How do they do it? What do they control? Where are they based in Canada?) and identify the connections amongst the groups (Are they connected? Do they get into conflict with each other?). I'll give you an example: on the handout it states that prairie-based Aboriginal gangs were working with the Hells Angels to sell drugs at street level. Here there is a connection between Aboriginal and Outlaw Biker gangs and you'd identify that on the mind map...now the question is why did the two groups work together? Organized crime by nature (according to Howard Abadinsky) is monopolistic (in other words organized crime groups want to have a monopoly over a specific geographic area for the illicit activity they wish to pursue). You will need to have your mind map poster of organized crime in Canada completed by the end of the class (Note: use the section in your text to help as well).

Pau Hana!
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