C - Criminology 12 - Today we will finish up the work on sexual assault that we started yesterday. Next Monday we'll watch a presentation on sexual exploitation from TCO2 and I would like you to remember our conversations for that presentation (we'll work on our blog Tuesday instead). Tomorrow we'll begin our look at homicide (levels, causes and then mass/serial murder types and motives).

B - Social Studies 10 - We'll finish our look at Manitoba's entry as a province (not a territory) into Confederation. We'll see the influence of the Metis Bill of Rights on the terms of entry (Manitoba Act, 1870) and the reaction to Riel's handling of Thomas Scott. I'll have a few notes for you to add to yesterday's work and then we'll shift our focus to our own province, BC, looking at Fort Victoria, early settlement and Governors Blanchard and Douglas.
BC Archives Time Machine
BC 150: Far West a hsitory of BC
Manitoba: Life and Times
A - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today we turn our attention to two thirds of the surface of the Earth - the Oceans. We'll briefly review the sub-surface geologic structures of the oceans (mid-ocean ridges, island arcs, and sea mounts) and then we'll focus on the abyssal plain and continental margins. You will need to work on questions 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 on page 375 in your Earth Science and the Environment textbook. Check out what Tim & Moby have to say about Ocean Floors here. There is a good animation of Ocean Basin features here. Today we'll watch the Blue Planet DVD introduction to the ocean world.
Some good ocean websites are:
Oceans Alive!
Enchanted Learning: All About Oceans
Water Encyclopedia: Ocean Basins
BBC Oceans web page
UN Atlas of the Oceans: About
NOAA Ocean
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