B - Social Studies 10 -Today your 'Ole Bill Coot storyboarding / cartoon assignment is due... So the first part of class is cut, colour & glue cause it's due day! You also have three questions to submit today (# 7 from page 99 and #'s 13 & 14 from page 100). After you've worked on this we'll take a look at BC (July 20, 1871) and PEI (July 1, 1873) entering confederation. We'll look at the three options and who supported them (Annexation & J.S. Helmcken; Union - Confederation & Amor de Cosmos, Anthony Musgrave and John Robson; and Imperialist which was generally anti-confederation and anti-annexationist). You'll need to work on some questions today & tomorrow (6, 7, 8, 10, & 11 on page 122).

A - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today you'll begin the class with an atmosphere in the vertical activity. You'll need to plot the temperature profile of the standard atmosphere and the atmosphere over Buffalo, New York. There are some questions comparing the two atmospheric profiles. We'll try to see the connection between the thickness of the atmosphere and temperatures. Then we'll look at the controversy regarding human induced changes to the atmosphere specifically
- Acid deposition through H2SO4 and HNO3;
- Ozone depletion through CFCl3Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's); and
- Global Warming through Greenhouse Gas emissions CO2, CH4, N2O and SF6
C - Criminology 12 - Today we are off to the library for our next blog assignment and I'd like you to tell me about auto theft. I'd like you to look up information on why people steal cars, where in Canada most cars are stolen from, what types of vehicles are most commonly stolen and I'd like you to tell me how much auto theft is actually happening in Canada (rates). Then I'd like you to tell me methods of protection (how to stop your car from being stolen). Don't forget that tomorrow you have a unit final on violent crime so I hope that you get ready for it.
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