B - Social Studies 10 -Today we'll continue with our 'Ole Bill Coot storyboarding / cartoon assignment. The due date for this assignment is next Tuesday (June 1st). You should use pages 89 - 95 in the Challenge of the West textbook. Don't forget there needs to be swashbucklin, claim jumpin, horse wrastlin, saloon drinkin, bar fightin, gun slingin, ladies dancin, and rootin tootin old timey western action in your cartoon.

A - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today is your surface processes unit final test. If you studied and are prepared then I'm certain you will do fine. We will mark the test together in class and then you'll have the opportunity to ask any question that you want answered about weather that has been bugging you. You could ask something like "How is it possible that it can rain in my front yard but be sunny in my back yard"? or "Is it true that you can tell the temperature by listening to crickets"?
C - Criminology 12 - Today we are off to see a presentation in the bandroom about sexual exploitation for Criminology.Taking Care of Ourselves, Taking Care of Others (TCO²) is a unique and empowering interactive workshop designed and delivered by youth, for youth about preventing sexual exploitation. Using monologues, role-plays and engaging activities, a group of three young adult facilitators involve participants in a meaningful and interactive discussion of what sexual exploitation is, who is involved, and how to prevent it from happening. Topics may include: recruitment tactics, warning signs of exploitation, domestic trafficking, violence and drugs in the sex trade, exploitation over the Internet, non-commercial forms of exploitation, males in the sex trade, barriers to exiting the sex trade, community resources, and how to get help.
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