Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday, April 20. 2010

Today's schedule is C-D-Lunch-B-A

C - Criminology 12 - Today we will be in the library working on our first journal / blog entry. Today you will need to set up a blog for the course. You may use Google's Blogspot, Wordpress, Live Journal, Bloguni, or any other blog creation site you choose. I would HIGHLY recommend staying with Blogspot, Wordpress, or Live Journal.

Last week, I asked you to think about creating your own theory as to why crime happens. Use the list of brainstormed items from our class discussions (I'll bring them to the library) and from the Crime Theory website and build your own theory about why crime happens (about a paragraph or so). So today you will need to develop a blog, write out your crime theory, and then find an article about a recent crime here in British Columbia. Make a link to the news article on your blogsite and then write how your theory explains the crime. An excellent website for Canadian Crime stories is the crime section of CNews on Canoe.ca

I will not mark your blog entry until Friday this week so you may work on or alter your theory as we go through crime and deviance, the history of criminology, and what constitutes crimes.

B - Social Studies 10 - Today you have your Confederation unit final test, if you studied and came prepared I am certain you will find the test a breeze. When we are finished we will mark the matching, multiple choice, and picture identification sections together as a class. The test should really only take you no more than half an hour to forty minutes to finish but you have as much time in class as you need. Good luck! When you are finished we will be working on a Topographic Map assignment from the Geographic Understandings textbook in class. We'll work on Activity 21 questions 1-7 on pages 52 and 53 which deals with the map 92 G3 Richmond (Lulu Island). We'll have tomorrow's class to continue this work.

A - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today you'll need to work on and finish the "For Review" questions 2-8 and "For Discussion" questions 1& 2 from page 194 in your Earth Science and the Environment textbook. Thursday we looked at the difference between explosive and effusive volcanoes and there is a good basic description at the Geological Society website. There are four main factors at play here:

1.The viscosity of the magma
2.The amount of dissolved gasses in the magma
3.The speed at which pressure is released when magma nears the surface
4.The amount of heated ground water

If you want some notes look at the power point presentation here or here. Tomorrow we'll look at plutonic and volcanic features and begin our look at three types of volcanoes.

While you are working on your questions, I'll show you Volcano episode from the Discovery Channel series Raging Planet .

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