C - Criminology 12 - Today we start with your poster assignment showing a typical victim of a violent crime. You will need to choose a type of violent crime (homicide, assault, sexual assault, criminal harassment - stalking, hate crimes, kidnapping) and identify the personal characteristics, behaviours, and traits of the most likely victim of that crime (consider age, gender, social status, relationship status, race or ethnicity, prior victimization, behaviour, location, culture, etc...). You'll need to explain & draw the victim and then describe the theory of victimization that explains why they would fall prey to that crime. We'll work on that for the first half hour and then we'll watch the Law & Order: Special Victim's Unit episode "Closure" This episode deals with the short and long-term effects of a sexual assault on a victim.
From TV.com "Benson does her best to help a rape victim who is able to describe her attack in perfect detail, yet unable to properly identify her attacker when push comes to shove. When the detectives revisit the case a few months later, they find the woman even less willing to talk about what happened, as she claims she has moved on." I want you to think hard during this episode and pay careful attention to what happens with Harper's character. On Monday you'll be working with the episode to build a blog entry on the short/long term impacts of crime on victims.

B - Social Studies 10 - Today we will take a look at first contact between European and Aboriginal Peoples on the prairies in Canada. Remember the Conquistadors and Aztec civilization? Montezuma, the Aztec leader, believed that Cortez was the return of Quetzalcoatl, the exiled deity who vowed one day to return and claim his kingdom. Aztec mythology tells of a fair-skinned god, Quetzalcoatl, who sailed east to join the sun god, warning that he would return.
"Many came also to gape at the strange men, now so famous, and at their attire, arms and horses, and they said 'These men are gods!'" – Francisco Lopez de Gomara, from The History of the Conquest of Mexico, 1552
Why would Montezuma believe in this? Technology mixed with a sense of foreboding doom that existed in Mexico. Today we will watch an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation called "Who Watches the Watchers?" From the official Star Trek website:
A team of Federation anthropologists, working in a camouflaged outpost on Mintaka III, have been observing the Mintakans — a race of Vulcan-like humanoids whose development is at the equivalent of earth's Bronze Age. But when an explosion rips through the post, the expedition's leader, Barron, and his assistant, an elderly woman named Warren, are seriously injured. A third team member, a young man named Palmer, is dazed in the blast and wanders away from the site. Beaming down to assist the Federation officials, the Away Team is spotted by two Mintakans, Liko and his daughter Oji. Stunned by the sight of Warren being beamed up to the U.S.S. Enterprise, Liko accidentally slips and is critically injured in a fall. To save his life, Dr. Crusher beams Liko up to the ship, although it violates the Federation's Prime Directive, which states that members are not to interfere with other cultures. Regaining consciousness in Sickbay, Liko overhears Picard promising Barron that he will find Palmer. Despite the fact that Crusher performs a procedure to remove his short term memory, it doesn't work and Liko returns to the planet describing "the Picard" to other Mintakans as a god, capable of healing wounds and reversing death.
I'd like you to think about what happens in the Star Trek episode and then on Monday we'll discuss the connections between what we see today and the relationship that developed between the Aboriginal Peoples and the North West Company and Hudson's Bay Company.
A - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today, if you need to work in the library on your major semester long project I have it booked for you. Don't forget that today you need to hand in five sections of your project as your first "check in" on your progress. In class, we'll continue watching the Discovery Channel mocumentary "Supervolcano".
Pau Hana!
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