Monday, June 11, 2018

Tuesday, June 12. 2018

Today's schedule is C-D-A-B

C Block Criminology 12 - Today we start our week long look at Russell Williams. Canada hasn't seen a case that has drawn so much media attention since Robert William Pickton or Paul Bernardo. The case received coverage in Canada (both "Above Suspicion" and "The Confession" from The Fifth Estate on CBC and "Fall From Grace" shown on Global's 16 X 9) and in the United States as well ("Name, Rank & Serial Killer" on CBS 48 Hours, "Conduct Unbecoming" on NBC Dateline). Today we'll start by looking at the case in detail and then we'll watch "Above Suspicion".

There are lots of places to find information on the case but a good place to start is the accompanying website to the CBC documentary "Above Suspicion". By the way the documentary was originally aired on September 24th, 2010 which was three weeks before Russell Williams plead guilty to all charges in the matters against him.

D Block Human Geography 11 - Today we'll look at the key question "Where Are People Distributed Within Urban Areas"? We'll look at three models of urban development (in the U.S.): The concentric zone model; the sector model; and the multiple nuclei model. I'll have you annotate information about the three models in your Week 18-19 package...

I'll also have you look at the differences between North American, European and Latin American city development.

A Block Law 12 - Today we'll finish watching the black comedy of The War of the Roses, based on a book by Warren Adler. Remember this movie exaggerates the potential conflict that divorces can inflict on everyone involved. In the movie, we saw how Barbara and Oliver's relationship stagnated and broke down over time due to a lack of communication and respect. We ended with Oliver's prophetic words..."you will never get that house". We'll finish the movie today and then try to understand how two seemingly intelligent and mature people can devolve into the malaise that ensues.Tomorrow we are back in the library for our next day to work on the major civil law project. Do not forget that this project is worth 40% of your term grade and that you've had almost two months to work on it. Keep up the good work.

B Block Introduction to Law 10 - Today you'll continue your work on arrests, arrest procedures, and your rights upon arrest. You will work on the R. v. Macooh (1993) case, questions 1, 3, 4, and 5 on page 90 and questions 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 on page 97 of your All About Law text. Marks have been updated in MyEdBC (except for projects). Please check your grades to find out what you have handed in and what you need to hand in. After some time, we'll examine the court room and we'll look at the three court levels in BC (Provincial, Supreme, and Appellate). After, we'll focus on courtroom organization and then we'll discuss the roles and responsibilities of the judge, the crown prosecutor, defense counsel, the court clerk, court recorder, and sheriff.

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