Monday, April 30, 2018

Tuesday, May 1. 2018

Today's schedule is C-D-A-B

C Block Criminology 12 - Today with Mr. V...To begin the class, you will self choose groups of three and from there will be given a vertical classroom question. Your group will get a large roll of paper that you can hang up in an area that provides them space. Each group will be given one marker so that they will need to work together instead of having everyone working individually at the same time. Your question is:

“You have been appointed the Minister of Justice for the new government. One of your election promises was that you would cut organised crime rates in half within the next four years. What are you going to bring about to achieve this?”.

Remember that the government can pass laws, try to encourage people to join organizations, and try to influence citizens through advertisement. Your group will have the entire class to work on this.

D Block Human Geography 11 - Today with Mr. V...we'll start the class with a discussion about how sensitive the issue of genocide is and that we need to treat it with respect and then you will then be divided up into groups of five. These will be your jigsaw groups. Each person in the group will be numbered off one through five. Jigsaw groups will then disperse into expert groups around the classroom where each group will become experts on one of the following genocides: Yugoslavia, the Sudan, Rwanda, Cambodia, and Armenia. Each expert group will be provided resources to learn about these different atrocities causes, who the victims and practitioners were, along with causes and consequences. Once expert groups have had time to become experts they will return to their jigsaw groups. Experts will then share what they found out to their jigsaw groups while the members of the group record the information. We will then have a debriefing so you can talk about any questions you may have. At the end of the class, you will hand in your jigsaw sheets for evaluation.

A Block Law 12 - Today we' finish our look at Criminal Law by shifting into sentencing. You will need to answer the following questions from yesterday:
  1. Define: absolute discharge, conditional discharge, probation, mitigating circumstances, aggravating circumstances, suspended sentence, concurrent sentence, consecutive sentence, intermittent sentence, indeterminate sentence, parole, day parole, statutory release, pardon, restorative justice, sentencing circle, closed custody, and open custody
  2. Questions: page 298 Review Your Understanding question 3; page 301 Review Your Understanding question 1; page 314 Review Your Understanding question 1
To finish we'll look at recidivism  (re-offending, re-arrest, and re-incarceration)  and prisoner reentry into society

We'll be finished our Criminal Law unit today and then tomorrow we will begin our look at civil and family law.

B Block Introduction to Law 10 - I have the library booked for you so that you may word process your crime theory interview. Remember, you are a famous Canadian criminologist being interviewed by George Stroumboulopoulos on his CBC television show. Today is the last day to work on this activity in class. Don't forget that you'll need brief paragraph that introduces the crime and gives a brief biography of you is the start. Then, you'll need five questions that George will ask you (the Criminology expert) about the crime, the perpetrator, the kind of person who commits that crime, the motives of that person, an explanation of your personal crime theory and then try to answer them using your theory

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