Monday, April 9, 2018

Tuesday, April 10. 2018

Today's schedule is C-D-A-B

C Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll delve deeper into theft by looking at Burglary, Break and Enter, Arson (and the motives for setting fires intentionally) and then we'll examine the five types of motor vehicle theft

D Block Human Geography 11 - Today with Mr. V. we'll look at ethnic religions and see what the differences are between ethnic and universalized religions.

You will be assigned into groups of three (jigsaw group). These groups will then be numbered off 1,2,3. Number ones will learn about Hinduism, number twos will learn about Judaism, and number threes will learn about Shinto (expert groups). Once these groups have had some time to learn about these religions you will reform their jigsaw groups and share what you have learned. 

A Block Law 12 - Today we'll talk about: firearms (the Firearms Act along with non-restricted, restricted and prohibited weapons); street racing; prostitution (soliciting, procuring, and living off the avails of) and obscenity.

What is obscene? We'll look at the legal definition of "obscenity" (Criminal Code section 163 subsection 8 and the community standards of tolerance test) so that we can understand the difference between the subjective and objective beliefs of obscenity. Immoral acts are distinguished from crimes on the basis of the social harm they cause. Acts that are believed to be extremely harmful to the general public are usually outlawed, whereas acts that only the harm the actor themselves are more likely to be tolerated. Acts that are illegal because they are viewed as a threat to morality are called public order crimes.

If there's time, for a different case of obscenity we'll look at "Sniffy the Rat" and artist Rick Gibson. To either giggle or be horrified check out the CBC story here. Is it Really Art or is it Obscene? Philosophy Talk "Art and Obscenity"

Lastly I'll have you work on questions 1-5 on page 240 of the All About Law text.

B Block Introduction to Law 10 - Today you'll continue your work on arrests, arrest procedures, and your rights upon arrest. You will work on the R. v. Macooh (1993) case, questions 1, 3, 4, and 5 on page 90 and questions 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 on page 97 of your All About Law text. Marks have been updated in MyEdBC (except for projects). Please check your grades to find out what you have handed in and what you need to hand in. After some time, we'll examine the court room and we'll look at the three court levels in BC (Provincial, Supreme, and Appellate). After, we'll focus on courtroom organization and then we'll discuss the roles and responsibilities of the judge, the crown prosecutor, defense counsel, the court clerk, court recorder, and sheriff.

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