B Block Physical Geography 12 - Today we look at stream profiles, deltas, and floodplains. We are focusing on the erosive action of rivers along with the land forms that they create. You will need to copy a meandering stream profile (figure 14.15 on p.460 in the Geosystems text) and a diagram on oxbow lake formation (figure 14.16 on p.461 in the Geosystems text). Your homework is questions 17, 20, 21 & 22 from page 482 in your Geosystems text.
Diagram from William Galloway of the University of Texas
D Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll start our look at white collar crime. We will begin by learning how to identify a pyramid / ponzi scam (for more take a look at How Stuff Works). Next, we'll look at individual exploitation of an institutional position, influence peddling & bribery, theft and employee fraud, client fraud and corporate crime. I'll introduce to Edwin H. Sutherland's Differential Association Theory (he introduced the concept "white collar crime"). A great example of embezzlement and swindling was presented by John Oliver on Last Week Tonight
Another really good example of a text message scam can be found in a CBC news story...where bad cheques are forged and passed on to unsuspecting victims.
We'll also see what we can find on the Internet about white collar crime....spoil alert LOTS!
National Check Fraud Center
Robert O. Keel White Collar Crime
Canadian Encyclopedia White Collar Crime
Federal Bureau of Investigation White Collar Crime Division
Understanding White Collar Crime
News Stories of White Collar Crime
C Block Human Geography 11 - For the next two days we are back in the library working on your information graphic poster on an endangered language. Remember, for your endangered language you’ll need to:
- Show where the endangered language originated and diffused to (yes on a map).
- Show the connection to the family, branch, and group of the endangered language. (Use your best judgment on this).
- Show where the language is spoken today, indicate how many people speak it.
- Show Unique features of this endangered language (What makes it different to and similar than others?)
- Show examples of how the language is written and or spoken
- Show why your endangered language is important to save
- Show how your endangered language is both being threatened (contributing factors) and being saved
- Show how people can find more info (links...sources cited)
An Infoposter is a graphic that conveys multiple segments of information typically using words and numbers to represent data. Infoposters generally use iconic-type graphic elements for visual design appeal and are typically vertical in orientation, like a wall poster. They are meant to be read, usually from top to bottom. They are created to collect a variety of data about a topic in one place and to communicate it in an interesting and easy-to-read format.
You will need to chose an information graphic site to use:
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