Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Thursday, May 25. 2017

Today's schedule is D-C-B-A

D Block Introduction to Psychology 11 - Class first to finish our look at the week 6 package, then we'll head to the library to work on:
  1. Week 6 package
  2. Psychology  Inquiry project
  3. psyblog or psych journal

Don't forget that the online textbooks are Introduction to Psychology and Psychology

Also there are some tests I would like you to work through to help with your Week 6 work on intelligence.

Take one of the three following quizzes:
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Psychology Today Classical IQ Test
Brain Metrix IQ test

Take one of the two following quizzes:
Multiple Intelligences Self-Assessment
Multiple Intelligences Assessment

Take one of the two following quizzes:
Test Your Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence

And for fun try one of these two as well:
Tromsø Social Intelligence Scale, TSIS
Creative Problem-solving Test

C Block Social Studies 11 - Today in class we'll continue our look at World War Two by focusing on the internment of Japanese Canadian citizens here in British Columbia. This sad event in Canadian history was the culmination of years of racism and xenophobia on the west coast. Japanese Canadian citizens were excluded from a 160 kilometer range from the coast, were sent to detention camps and were deprived of their civil liberties. Japanese Canadians lost all their possessions (houses, farms, fishing boats, companies and personal goods) which the government sold off to keep them from returning to British Columbia. It wasn't until 1949 that they regained all of their rights and that all restrictions were lifted. You'll have to work on questions 1 a and b from page 127 out of the Counterpoints textbook.

B Block Law 12 - Today I have the library booked for you to continue your work on the major civil law project that is due four weeks from now.

Some help regarding the baseball case can be found at City of Vancouver Standards of Maintenance By Law (look at section 5  Structural Conditions).

Some help regarding the amusement park and ski resort cases can be found at SAFETY STANDARDS ACT [SBC 2003] CHAPTER 39 and at Safety Standards Act

A Block Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today we will watch the CSI episode "Burden of Proof" (Season 2 Episode 215). This ties into your "Clue Us In" crime scene reconstruction project. There are many important things to notice in this episode but the one thing that I'd like you to remember is that forensics can't solve every case and that the forensic analysis of crime scenes is a tedious, slow meticulous and process. And from Innocence Canada
 "It is clear that the CSI effect is a real phenomenon. However, media perceptions of its effects may be misleading. Rather than leading to injustice through increased scepticism of forensic evidence that incriminates the accused, the CSI effect may promote injustice more through encouraging jurors to unquestioningly accept whatever forensic evidence they are presented."
When finished we'll discuss the disparities between television "serialized" fictional CSI and the real world (In Canada the RCMP have a Forensic Science and Identification Services FS&IS division).

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