Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Wednesday, April 19. 2017

Today's schedule is B-A-D-C

B Block Law 12 - Today we are back in the library for our last day to work on our Canadian Criminal Defense project. Don't forget that you need to find two recent (in the last two years) criminal cases where a defense we discussed this past week was used. The defenses are: Alibi, Non-Insane Automatism, Intoxication, Insane Automatism, Battered Woman Syndrome, Self-defense, Necessity, Duress, Ignorance of the law, Mistake of fact, Entrapment, Double jeopardy, and Provocation. Places to find cases - CanLII is a non-profit organization managed by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. CanLII's goal is to make Canadian law accessible for free on the Internet. Click through the databases on the side (provinces and territories) and search by year (2012-2011-2010)...anytime you see Supreme/Superior court or court of Queen's Bench you'll find serious criminal cases (remember look for R. v. in the case citation). You may also look at The Courts of British Columbia JudgmentsOntario Superior Court of Justice Judgments (you can find a link to all provinces' and territories' courts here)

A Block Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today we'll finish up yesterday's Think-Pair-Share activity and then you'll get two handouts on Crime Theories. The first handout will be on Economic exclusion and Social exclusion where you'll read a fictional story about "Suzanne" and will need to identify the factors that led her to a life of crime. Read through the story and then list out all of the "social exclusions" that led to Suzanne's life of crime and all of the "economic exclusions" that led to Suzanne's life of crime.

The second handout will be on Crime Theories. I'd like you to look at the questions on the first page and put a check mark (if you agree) or an x (if you disagree) next to the question. I need you to evaluate them (what you like about them and what you disagree with them about)...don't worry we'll go through them together in class today.

D Block Introduction to Psychology 11 - Today we'll continue and wrap up yesterday's look at common sense myths in psychology. Then we'll begin our look at historical and contemporary psychology along with current perspectives in psychology. We'll review: Wilhelm Wundt (Structuralism); William James (Functionalism);  Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Erik Erikson (Psychodynamics);  Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner (Behaviourism); Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers (Humanism); and maybe we'll even dip our toes into Cognitive Psychology and both Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg (Development - Lifespan Theories). I'll give you a handout for week one of the course that we'll go over and fill in together.

To help, we'll look at:

C Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll look at the aftermath of serving in the war. We'll try to understand how the government tried to deal with civilian reintegration of military personnel  Founded in 1917, the Great War Veteran's Association was Canada's largest and most powerful veterans organization until it merged with other groups in 1925 to create the Canadian Legion. FMI:
Benefits and Land for Veterans from the Canadian War Museum
Civilian Reintegration from the Canadian War Museum
Repatriation and Demobilization from the Canadian War Museum
Post-War Experience of Aboriginal Veterans
The Veterans Return Home

With the remaining time left in class you'll be able to work on on the following:
What effect did Canada’s participation in the First World War have on Canadian society and its status as a nation?
Think about:

  1. Role of women
  2. National unity
  3. Independence from Britain
  4. Technology
  5. Changing ideas about war
  6. Economy (Canada becomes industrial)

If you need help check out this very fine article about the War's Impact on Canada from the Canadian War Museum

You have your unit final test on World War One this Thursday (April 20th)

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