Monday, March 27, 2017

Tuesday, March 28. 2017

Today's schedule is C-D-A-B

C Block Social Studies 11 - Today we will finish our look at the four underlying causes of World War One - Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism (MAIN). Today we'll focus on  nationalism (Serbian "Black Hand" and Austria-Hungary control over the Balkans). After this we'll review the system of alliances (Triple Alliance / Triple Entente) imperialism (competing Empires on a global scale) and militarism, highlighted by the British naval escalation (HMS Dreadnought) and the massive arms development in Germany and. To end, you'll look at the spark, Gavrillo Princip and the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofia.

 At the end of class today, you will need to work on questions 1 & 2 from page 24 along with question 2 from page 47 in the Counterpoints textbook.

D Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll start with our look at property crimes, where we'll discuss the history of theft and make sense of the differences between occasional and professional thieves. You'll need to answer the following:

  1. What are the differences between a professional and an occasional thief?
  2. What is a "situational inducement"?
  3. What is a "Booster", a "Heel", and a "Fence"? 
Don't forget from before Spring Break I asked you to work on the following questions:

  1. Despite cultural awareness and various initiatives in schools and in the media, hate crimes continue to happen in significant numbers in Canada. Discuss the types of hate crimes most prevalent in Canada and the current responses to them. 
  2. Governments have tried numerous responses to terrorism. Discuss some of these responses. 
  3. It is unlikely that the threat of punishment can deter robbery; most robbers refuse to think about apprehension and punishment. Wright and Decker suggest that eliminating cash and relying on debit and credit cards may be the most productive method to reduce the incidence of robbery. Although this seems far-fetched, society is becoming progressively more cashless; it is now possible to buy both gas and groceries with credit cards. Would a cashless society end the threat of robbery, or would innovative robbers find new targets?
  4. Based on what you know about how robbers target victims, how can you better protect yourself from robbery? 

A Block Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today I'll have you identify the total number of loops, arches, and whorls for each finger (and thumb) for the class (for everyone's sets of prints) and then graph the data. The graph is a comparative bar graph. For each finger (thumb, index, middle, ring & pinky) count up the total number of loops, arches, and whorls and graph that out next to each other. Our goal is to see what the most common type of fingerprint our class has and see if that is consistent with the larger population of Canada. After we will continue our look at crime scene investigation and we'll look at ballistics, fibres and the collection and processing of DNA evidence. I will have an ultraviolet light to illuminate the foreign fibres that may be lurking about on your clothes and we'll have a brief look at Rice University's CSI: The Experience Web Adventure .

B Block Law 12 - Yesterday I had you work in partners on the R. v. Clayton (2007) case on page 156 and today I'd like you to start in partners on the R. v. Shankar (2007) case on page 159 in the All About Law text. Next, we'll review your rights upon arrest from Section 10 of the Charter which states that on arrest or detention, everyone has the right to the following:
  1. to be informed of the reasons
  2. to retain and instruct counsel (and to be informed of that right)
  3. to have the validity of the detention determined by way of habeas corpus(Latin for “produce the body”) and to be released if the detention is not lawful (illegal)
Finally, we'll talk about bail and pre-trial release. First I'll need you to define Bail, Recognizance and Undertaking and then work on questions 4 from page 164 along with 2, 4 and 5 from page 178 of the All About Law text.

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