Monday, November 28, 2016

Tuesday, November 29. 2016

Today's schedule is C-D-A-B

C & B Block Social Studies 11 - We'll continue with yesterday's work on the political parties that emerged in reaction to the harsh economic and political climate of the Depression. We will look at the Union Nationale (Maurice Duplessis), the Social Credit Party (William "Bible Bill" Aberhart) and the Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation (J.S. Woodsworth). We'll even talk about the Canadian Nationalist Party (Joseph Farr) and the National Social Christian Party (Adrien Arcand) which were both unabashedly fascist (Arcand eventually became the leader of the National Unity Party).

Lastly you'll need to work on questions 1 & 2 on page 86 and question 3 from page 90 of the Counterpoints book.

Tomorrow we'll begin our look at the rise of dictators in the 20's & 30's.

D Block Crime, Media and Society 12 -Today we'll review Agenda Setting theory, then we'll look at Framing, Cultivation, the Knowledge Gap, and the Uses and Gratification media theory. After  we'll talk about the 48 Hours Mystery documentary we watched Friday on the Highway of Tears. We'll try to understand how media reports crime and try to take a theoretical perspective on the show and why it was made the way that it was presented to the audience. What crimes the media choose to cover and how they cover those crimes can influence the public’s perception of crime. Editors and assignment editors make complex decisions about what crime stories they will cover (or not) and what the headline will be. Journalists and reporters, in partnership with their assignment desks and producers decide what information about those crimes they will include or leave out, what experts they may go to for input, what quotes from that expert they will include, and where in the story these facts and quotes appear.

Don't forget you have three questions you need to finish:

  1. What main story do you think Investigative Reporters Bob Friel and Peter Van Zant wanted to tell?
  2. Why did the show focus on Madison Scott first, Loren Leslie next and then the victims along the Highway of Tears afterwards?
  3. Why do you think the producers and editors framed the story the way that they did?

A Block Geography 12 -Today we'll continue our look at weather by reviewing yesterday's topics of energy distribution and the greenhouse effect (and connect those topics to global warming). Our next focus will then be on heat and temperature in the atmosphere. We'll take a look at two sections of the National Geographic video "Six Degrees Could Change the World" (1 to 3 degree temperature changes). In class today, you will need to work on questions 9 & 11 on page 118 AND questions 5, 8, 12 & 13 from page 141 and 16 from page 142 of your Geosystems textbook. We will pay more attention to global warming and climate change later on in the course.

Don't forget that every day we are going to start by looking at the synoptic forecast along with weather maps.
Data Streme
Envrionment Canada: Weather Office Comox
The Weather Network

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