Monday, November 14, 2016

Tuesday, November 15. 2016

Today's schedule is C-D-A-B

C & B Blocks Social Studies 11 -Today we'll continue with our activity on the 20's in Canada. Using chapter 3 in the Counterpoints textbook (pages 48-72) you need to identify the changes in and challenges to Canada for the following four topics:
  • Arts, Culture, and Leisure
  • Government, International Autonomy, and Political Parties
  • Industry, Jobs, and Wealth
  • Society (race, gender, social class), Urbanization, and Values
This will be done in a quadrant format (you have 11x17 paper to complete the 4 quadrants on) and needs to show the massive cultural and economic shift that occurred in the 1920's. When you finish your data dump of info on the page, you need to identify any connections between the topics that you can. Two examples:
  1. loss of jobs in regional areas led to the development of the United Farmers Party and the Progressive Party (a link between “Industry, Jobs, and Wealth” and “Government, International Autonomy, and Political Parties”)
  2. increased organization of hate through the KKK and AEL led to the restriction of immigration to Canada and marginalization of ethnic minorities (a link between “Society -race, gender, social class - Urbanization, and Values” and “Government, International Autonomy, and Political Parties) 
 You will have tomorrow for this as well.

D Block Crime, Media and Society 12 - Yesterday we watched an episode of “Scooby Doo: Where Are You” from 1969 and we looked at the opening of the “What’s New Scooby Doo” episode called “Ready to Scare”? (It ran on the WB from 2002-2006) So today we'll watch "Ready to Scare"

How is this version of Scooby Doo different than the one from 1969?

Lastly I'll have you watch this and then answer the questions below (about Scooby Doo in general including Scooby Doo Where are You, The Scooby Doo Show, Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo, What's New Scooby Doo, Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated, and Scooby Doo! Be Cool):

  1. What assumptions or beliefs do Scooby Doo’s creators have that are reflected in the content?
  2. How does this make you feel, based on how similar or different you are from the people portrayed in the media product?
  3. How does the commercial purpose (it's made for a profit right?) of Scooby Doo cartoons influence the content and how it's communicated?
  4. Who and what is shown in a positive light? In a negative light? Why might these people and things be shown this way?
  5. Who and what is not shown at all? What conclusions might audiences draw based on these facts?
  6.  "How does Scooby Doo explain crime and gender roles to young people"?
Huffington Post article on Daphne's Curse of going from size 2 to size 8
Huffington Post article on Beauty Stereotypes in Scooby Doo

A Block Geography 12 - Today we are working on the Medicine Hat Topographic map. You need your Canadian Landscape topographic map book and the Medicine Hat map can be found on pages 40-42. You will need to work on questions 1 a, b & d, 2 a & b, 3 a-e, 4, 7 a-d and 8.  For question 3…you will need to use the light table at the back of the class and, on a separate sheet of paper, trace the South Saskatchewan River and the 2250 feet contour line (which delineates the flood plain).

This work is due on Thursday and if you wish to work on this activity out of the class (and really who wouldn't?) I would highly suggest you ask me questions ahead of time. You can find topographic maps of Medicine Hat on Google Maps (Type in Medicine Hat Alberta on a Google search and click on maps at the top and then choose "Terrain" as an option). Do not forget that you have a unit final test on Thursday, so please take all of your marked/corrected work out of the bin in the class and spend some time preparing. Good Luck.

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