Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Thursday, May 12. 2016

Today's schedule is D-AG-C-B-A

D & B Blocks Social Studies 10 - Today we'll look at the evolution of the two colonies (Vancouver Island and the mainland colony of British Columbia) up until they combined into one in 1866. After, the development of Vancouver (Gastown - named after the areas first saloon owner "Gassy" Jack Deighton and Moodyville - named after sawmill owner Sewell Prescott Moody). For more on Vancouver history check out:
The History of Metropolitan Vancouver
Hastings Mill Museum
Vancouver City Archives

Remember from yesterday I have one question for you:

Which immigrant group was most influential In the development of British Columbia? Provide evidence from the textbook and consider the influence of each group on the economy, the culture and people's everyday lives.

After you have a chance to finish your work on 'Ole Bill Coot - cut, colour and glue because  on Friday it's due.

C Block Law 12 - Today is our last look at Criminal Law. I'll need you to finish your work on empaneling juries and trial procedures along with sentencing and punishment. I'll give you a super quick review (handout) for Monday's quiz/test.

A Block Criminology 12 - I'll give you a few notes on the first three chapters in order to get you ready for next Tuesday's quiz. After, for the rest of the block you need to work on Tuesday's questions:

  1. What is the attraction of violent films and video games?
  2. Is there more violent imagery in media now as opposed to the past (think graphic, realistic visceral)? Why / Why not?
  3. What kinds of people are drawn to violent imagery and what kind of violent images draw them to that form of entertainment?
  4. What is “morbid curiosity”?
  5. Are there any equally satisfying substitutions for violent entertainment?
  6. What draws our attention to violent media events (news) that are not intended to entertain?
Think of the brainstorming you did along with yesterday's cartoons for help.

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