Thursday, February 4, 2016

Friday, February 5. 2016

Today's schedule is B-AG-A-D-C

D & B Blocks Social Studies 10 - Today we'll continue our look at map basics, working in the Geographic Understandings book (they're the green geography books in the class). You'll need to complete the following questions on latitude & longitude, map grids, direction, and distance:
  1. Page 3 and 4 questions 2, 3, 4, & 5a
  2. Page 7 questions 1, 2, 3 and 4
  3. Pages 8-9 questions 1-4
  4. Page 17 question 4 and question 1 on page 18.

A Block Introduction to Law 9/10 - Don't forget I've asked you to create an interview where you are a famous Canadian criminologist being interviewed by George Stroumboulopoulos on his CBC television show. What you'll need to do is come up with some crazy, creepy or absurdly normal crime that gained huge notoriety in Canada (murder, treason, assault, embezzlement, kidnapping, criminal harassment - AKA stalking, drug trafficking, gang related activities or some minor crime perpetrated by a major Canadian celebrity - oh just imagine Justin Bieber being charged with what). After you create a crime story idea, you'll need to have five questions that George will ask you (no "what's your name" doesn't count as one). Try to come up with questions that you can reasonably answer within three to four sentences..."So what do you think motivated (person X) to commit (action Y)"?

What should this look like? A brief paragraph that introduces the crime and gives a brief biography of you is the start. Next write out the five questions George will ask you about the crime, the perpetrator, the kind of person who commits that crime, the motives of that person, an explanation of your personal crime theory and then try to answer them using your theory.

If there is time, in the last half of the class we are going to watch an episode of "I Detective" called Identity Unknown. In this show the investigation of a crime is followed and at key points the narration stops and you'll be asked to make a decision as if you were a detective in the case. I will ask you to keep track of your choices and we'll see what kind of criminal investigator / detective you'd make

C Block Law 12 - Today we'll look at Precedent and Case law. We'll work on understanding case citations (R. v. Kerr, 2004, and Grant v. Dempsey, 2001). We'll discuss the "rule of law" and quickly review the Social Studies 11 topics of our constitution and how laws are made. I'll have you work on questions from page 21 of the All About Law textbook: Question 2 How did the English common law system develop? Question 3 How is the rule of precedent used in today’s system of law? and Question 5 Explain the significance of statute law as a source of law? For more on how to read case studies check out:
 Reading a Legal Citation Queens University
Intro to reading and Briefing a Case University of British Columbia
Scroll down to Case Citation on this PowerPoint from New Learner

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