Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Thursday, March 12. 2015

Today's schedule is D-AG-C-B-A

D Block Criminology 12 -  Today we'll wrap up our introduction to violence with a few more Bugs Bunny Cartoons.Today we'll see Rabbit Seasonings, For Scentimental Reasons and lastly The Ducksters. Criminal Harassment (Stalking), Sexual Assault, Assault, Attempted Murder, Aggravated Assault (torture), and Unlawful Confinement are just a few of the crimes in these cartoons...all violent crimes. I'd then like to give you a few notes on the question: Where does violence come from? We'll look at personal traits, ineffective families, evolutionary factors, exposure to violence, cultural values, substance abuse, and firearm availability. If there's time, we'll watch the Happy Tree Friends A to Zoo episode we didn't get to and then you have time to work on your questions that are due tomorrow:
  1. What is the attraction of violent films and video games?
  2. Is there more violent imagery in media now as opposed to the past (think graphic, realistic visceral)? Why / Why not?
  3. What kinds of people are drawn to violent imagery and what kind of violent images draw them to that form of entertainment?
  4. What is “morbid curiosity”?
  5. Are there any equally satisfying substitutions for violent entertainment?
  6. What draws our attention to violent media events (news) that are not intended to entertain?

C Block Geography 12 - Today we'll start watching Mega Disasters: American Volcano to help understand the explosive eruption of Mount Saint Helens; this is a sweet "what if" disaster video and it explains the dangers of the slumbering giant...Mount Rainier. This will take up about 40 minutes of class time and then you have one question to address in your week 5 notes/package (basically the positives and negatives of volcanoes using Saint Helens as an example). A good article from Popular Mechanics can be found interviews survivors of the blast in 1980. Pictures of before and after the eruption can be found on the National Geographic website here. There's a good article from the May 2010 National Geographic magazine called "Mountain Transformed".

B Block Social Studies 11 - Today with Ms. Tancon we'll start off class by taking a better look at "zines" so you can have a better idea of what your World War One final project will look like. Remember: we'll be in the library next Thursday and Friday to work on it, and it is due Monday, March 23rd (unless you want to do a quiz as well). Feel free to google "zines": there are a lot of cool ones out there. Think of them as a paper "blog".

Next we'll begin looking at the realities of World War One for soldiers. Specifically, we'll look at the trenches - where soldiers spent a lot of their time - and chemical warfare (mustard gas). After that, we'll be doing a "jigsaw" in groups in order to learn about 4 battles that had the most significance for Canada: the Second Battle of Ypres, the Battle of the Somme, the Battle of Vimy Ridge, and Passchendaele. You'll find information about all of this on pages 29-33 in your textbooks, or on the links below. Check out the trench simulator game (Link #1)!

If we have time, we'll also talk about women's roles on battlefield, and start getting into war technology.

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