Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Thursday, February 19. 2015

Today's schedule is D-AG-C-B-A

D Block Criminology 12 -  Today we'll start by looking at the work from yesterday - the difference between deviance and criminal behaviour (acts that are criminal but not deviant and deviant but not criminal). I'll have you share your ideas together as a class and then give you some time to choose one and decide whether we should "criminalize" or "decriminalize" that behaviour. After a bit, you can hand in your work on deviance and criminality and then we'll look at the three perspectives of how criminologists view crime:
Consensus = the belief that the majority of citizens in society share common values and agree on what behaviours should be defined as criminal.
Conflict = the belief that criminal behaviour is defined by those in a position of power to protect and advance their own self-interest.
Interactionist = the belief that those with social power are able to impose their values on society as a whole, and these values then define criminal behaviour.

Once this is done we'll turn our focus to the history of crime and law (looking at Hammurabi, the Mosaic Code and the development of Common Law in England). We'll learn what Actus Reus, Mens Rea, Mala in Se and Mala Prohibitum mean along with taking a look at the differences between Indictable, Summary Conviction and Absolute Liability Offences. We'll see what defences you can use and what the goals of criminal law are for society.

C Block Geography 12 - Today we'll finish our look at spheres in geography. Next, we'll work on time zones, latitude and longitude, GPS, and the remote sensing technology of GIS (We'll watch a Brainpop video on GPS with Tim & Moby). There are five questions in the week one handout to have completed for today's class. Your homework yesterday was to look at figure 1.8 (p.13) and figure 1.9 (p.14) in the Geosystems book and try to interpret the relationships amongst the four spheres as a result of humans burning fossil fuels. If you're having trouble with this consider the carbon cycle (pages 634-5 in text) or look the links on yesterday's blog entry for more help.
For more on GIS check out:
ESRI What can I do with GIS?

B Block Social Studies 11 - OK so yesterday we had fun taking a look at the legislative branch of the federal government system. Remember the job of the legislative branch is to legislate - to create or repeal/change laws in Canada. To demonstrate your fabulous new knowledge you will have to draft a simplified bill that you would like to see made law, where you'll write the idea in a simple sentence or two and then use the Make It Law handout to organize your ideas (you got it yesterday in class). After this, you'll create a comic strip demonstrating the process of how a Bill becomes a Law in Canada using the legislative process steps I'll outline with you in class. If you need help look in your Counterpoints textbook and the Parliament of Canada "Follow That Bill" website. You'll have more time tomorrow to work on this assignment and it will be due on Tuesday when you return after your long weekend. 

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