Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Thursday, December 18. 2014

Today's schedule is D-AG-C-B-A

D Block Law 9/10 - Today we'll debrief yesterday's presentation from Mr. Lees on sentencing circles. Next, you'll look at crime scene investigation. You'll start with the basic stages of a search, documenting evidence, and examples of what is included in a crime scene investigator's toolkit. Finally, I'll have you work on your detective skills through a crime scenario (the Backpack mystery). Read the story; research the clues; evaluate the evidence; consider means, motive and opportunity; and explain who you think committed the criminal offense. To convince a jury of guilt in a criminal trial (in a US Court of law), three things need to be established: means, motive and opportunity. Means – did the person have the ability and the tools to commit the crime? Motive – did the person have a reason to commit the crime? Opportunity – were circumstance such that the person would have had a chance to commit the crime?

Take down this chart and record your answers (if a piece of evidence fits a suspect’s behavior then place a check in that column…i.e. if Coach Brown has a match for fingerprints left at the scene then place a check mark in in Coach Brown’s row in the fingerprint column).

Coach Brown





I think the guilty party is ________________ because…
C & A Blocks Social Studies 10 - Today we'll begin looking at the Northwest Rebellion of 1885 and the implications of the railway and the results for Macdonald, Riel and the Metis. We'll examine the "Metis Bill of Rights" along with the skirmishes noth of Saskatoon (Duck Lake, Fish Creek and Batoche). Lastly we'll look at the trial of Louis Riel and I'll have you work on questions 2, 4, and 5 on page 189 as well as the Apply It question 1 from the "Developing Historical Perspective" skill builder on pages 192-3 of the Horizons text.
For more on the Northwest Rebellion and Louis Riel look at:
About the Northwest Rebellion of 1885
The Metis in Alberta NW Rebellion 1885
Royal Canadian Regiment NW Rebellion 1885
Mount Allison University Louis Riel & Northwest Rebellion
HistoriCa! minute on Louis Riel
The Heritage Centre: Louis Riel
B Block Law 12 - Today I'd like to start by looking again through the Thornton et al. v. Board of School Trustees of School District No. 57 (Prince George) et al. (1978) case together (kind of an important case for non-pecuniary loss in Canada). After, you'll need to look over information about damages. Here is some info to help:

Compensatory Damages - The basis: Compensation in tort law is based on the principle of restitutio in integrum. The Purpose: To restore the Plaintiff, in so far as money can do, to the same position as if no tort had been committed. It entitles Plaintiff to be compensated for their pecuniary and non-pecuniary losses arising from the Defendant’s tort. Compensatory damages are divided into Special and General damages. Special Damages include: Pre-trial pecuniary losses incurred by Plaintiff which includes lost income, nursing and personal attendant costs, medical expenses and consequential expenses. General Damages include: Future losses resulting from Defendant’s tort. A Plaintiff may be compensated for three heads of damages under general damages: (1) Inability to work; (2) future care cost; and (3) non-pecuniary losses. Each item of damage must be separately considered and compensated for. More on these in class later this week.

Non-Compensatory Damages include: Punitive Damages: These are appropriate where Defendant’s misconduct was so malicious, oppressive and highhanded. Their Purpose: Punishment and deterrence. Nominal Damages: which are small amounts of money awarded when the plaintiff has successfully established a cause of action but has suffered no substantial loss or is unable to prove what that loss is. Their purpose: Vindication of the Plaintiff’s rights and a minor deterrence to the Defendant.

The rest of the class is time for you to work on your project. Good Luck.

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