Thursday, November 27, 2014

Friday, November 28. 2014

Today's schedule is A-AG-B-C-D

A & C Blocks Social Studies 10 - Today I'll need you to work through questions 1-4 on page 149. After a bit, we'll take a look at the Metis, Louis Riel, William McDougall, Thomas Scott, the Metis Bill of Rights and the Red River Rebellion of 1869-1870. I'll show you two Canada: A People's History episodes, give you a few notes on the background to the Rebellion and then I have five questions you need to answer:

  1. Who were the National Committee of the Metis and what were their goals?
  2. Who was William McDougall and what conflict did he get involved in at the Red River?
  3. What is a "provisional government" and why did Riel establish one?
  4. What was the Metis Bill of Rights (list out the 5 points the text addresses). Was this Bill reasonable? Why or why not?
  5. What was the Thomas Scott affair? How did it affect both the Metis and the the settlers in the Red River? How did the Canadian government respond?

B Block Law 12 - Today we'll start by talking about searches and warrants. I'll go through a "Valid/Invalid" search activity with you and then we'll watch an episode of Law & Order from season 10 called "Mother's Milk". In the episode "bloodstains in an apartment that belonged to a young couple with a baby leads to the separated parents, each of whom claims that the other has the infant". Think about warrants and searches when the detectives are searching for the Beltran baby. Also I'd like you to pay attention to the examination that ADA Abby Carmichael has of witnesses on the stand during trial (as a preview for the trial unit next week). I'll stop the episode right before the decision and have you tell me what you'd decide if you were the presiding judge in the case.

D Block Law 9/10 - Don't forget I've asked you to create an interview where you are a famous Canadian criminologist being interviewed by George Stroumboulopoulos on his CBC television show. What you'll need to do is come up with some crazy, creepy or absurdly normal crime that gained huge notoriety in Canada (murder, treason, assault, embezzlement, kidnapping, criminal harassment - AKA stalking, drug trafficking, gang related activities or some minor crime perpetrated by a major Canadian celebrity - oh just imagine Justin Bieber being charged with what). After you create a crime story idea, you'll need to have five questions that George will ask you (no "what's your name" doesn't count as one). Try to come up with questions that you can reasonably answer within three to four sentences..."So what do you think motivated (person X) to commit (action Y)"?

What should this look like? A brief paragraph that introduces the crime and gives a brief biography of you is the start. Next write out the five questions George will ask you about the crime, the perpetrator, the kind of person who commits that crime, the motives of that person, an explanation of your personal crime theory and then try to answer them using your theory.

In the last half of the class we are going to watch an episode of "I Detective" called Identity Unknown. In this show the investigation of a crime is followed and at key points the narration stops and you'll be asked to make a decision as if you were a detective in the case. I will ask you to keep track of your choices and we'll see what kind of criminal investigator / detective you'd make!

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