Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Thursday, May 15 - Friday, May 16. 2014

Hello family. I am away on the annual Mount Saint Helens trip. Both Thursday and Friday have the same schedule. The schedule for both days is D-AG-C-B-A

C Block Law 9/10 - Thursday, you'll look at crime scene investigation. You'll start with the basic stages of a search, documenting evidence, and examples of what is included in a crime scene investigator's toolkit. Next, I'll have you work on your detective skills through a crime scenario (the Backpack mystery). Read the story; research the clues; evaluate the evidence; consider means, motive and opportunity; and explain who you think committed the criminal offense. To convince a jury of guilt in a criminal trial (in a US Court of law), three things need to be established: means, motive and opportunity. Means – did the person have the ability and the tools to commit the crime? Motive – did the person have a reason to commit the crime? Opportunity – were circumstance such that the person would have had a chance to commit the crime?

Take down this chart and record your answers (if a piece of evidence fits a suspect’s behavior then place a check in that column…i.e. if Coach Brown has a match for fingerprints left at the scene then place a check mark in in Coach Brown’s row in the fingerprint column).

Coach Brown




I think the guilty party is ________________ because…

On Friday you'll watch episode 2 of CSI's Season 2 called “Chaos Theory”. From…The entire CSI team investigates a disappearance at a local university. A young woman vanished, seemingly off the face of the earth. Forensics leads them to possible suspects, and possible suspects all have probable motives, but nothing seems to pan out. This leads our team to discuss the "Chaos Theory." When combined, many seemingly-innocuous events may have a deadly outcome. And closure is not always within reason.

B Block Geography 12 - Thursday we look at mesoscale convective complexes and tornadoes. I'll show you some footage of a tornado captured on video by a Kansas television crew. This footage was actually detrimental to tornado safety as most people who saw it assumed that a highway overpass provides shelter and safety.

This proved deadly with the May 3, 1999 Moore Oklahoma F5 tornado. We'll also watch footage of the Moore tornado and see the damage it wrought. We'll watch a bit of the wind episode from the BBC Series "The Weather" and hear from a man that survived a direct strike from an EF5 tornado.Then we'll watch the Raging planet video on Tornadoes and while it is on you can work on questions 15 and 16 from page 248 of your Geosystems textbook.

On Friday we'll go to the library to play the Stop Disasters game. The scenario I would like you to work on is the Caribbean Island Hurricane simulation. There is a population of 330 people in your coastal town, but only 180 are currently housed. You will need to develop some housing for the people in the town. You will need to build a hospital, a school, and anchor all the boats in the port. You have a budget of $50,000 to work with and don't forget to develop some defenses to protect people, buildings, and livelihoods. When you click on an object square you will likely get three choices: info, develop, & defences. Read through your options and try to uncover all 15 key facts (which will give you extra points). When you finish keep a track of your highest score (you might get through two games) and respond to this post with things you learned and what your scores were. Have fun playing and learn something.

A Block Social Studies 11 - On Thursday you'll go over the military strategic movements in Europe and the Pacific at the beginning of World War Two. You'll look at the Fall of France, the Battle of Britain (Operation Sea Lion & the Blitz), along with Barbarossa in Europe; while in the Pacific you'll look at Pearl Harbor and Hong Kong. For this you need to:
  1. List out the events in chronological order
  2. Identify what happened during these military conflicts and
  3. Explain Canada’s role (if any)
After you'll watch “The Razor’s Edge” as well as “Dieppe” from Canada: A People’s History. When you’re done, you can work on questions 1, 2, and 3 on page 110 of the Counterpoints text.

On Friday I’d like you to begin a propaganda poster assignment. For this assignment, you will create your own propaganda poster for Canada in World War II. What you put on your poster has to be relevant to Canada (Encourage men to enlist; Pressure women to encourage their husbands, brothers and boyfriends to enlist; Encourage women to help out at home e.g. conserving food, buying victory bonds; Encourage children to help the war effort e.g. purchasing war stamps; Persecution / suspicion of enemy aliens; Encouraging pacifism; Glamorizing the Canadian war heroes; or just plain Demonizing Japan, Germany or Italy). You need to make sure that your poster is as authentic as possible (stay within the 1940’s decade) and that it could have been useful to the war effort.

Your poster will be graded on the following criteria:

  • the purpose of the poster is clearly defined
  • the poster demonstrates knowledge of World War Two content
  • the poster is persuasive
  • it’s visually appealing
  • creativity and originality
The best propaganda posters use both words and pictures. They could use only words, but remember that the poster needs to be appealing to the eyes (and that sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words). In addition, the posters should be in color (and no, pencil-lead grey is not a color). Remember, the poster needs to be visually appealing; otherwise nobody is going to support the war effort! Check out the following:
Canadian Air Museum Propaganda posters
Canadian War Museum Propaganda posters
US National Archives Powers of Persuasion

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