Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday, February 18. 2014

Today's schedule is C-AG-D-A-B

D Block Social Studies 10 - Today we'll continue to work on the foundations of Geography focusing on the Five Themes. In order to understand the increasingly complex and interconnected world we live in we need to find a way to make sense of information in a way that doesn't overwhelm us. The Five Themes (Location, Place, Human-Environment Interactions, Movement, and Regions) are a framework for making sense of geographic data. So today I'll go through the themes with you in the mapping essentials handout I gave you last week. Lastly we'll deal with systems and spheres of geography and you should be caught up to grade 10 for geographic skills and content for Social Studies. We'll be in the library on Monday through Wednesday next week to start work on our first project of the year (the physiogeographic regions of Canada).

A Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll continue our look at the government structure we have here in Canada. Last Thursday I asked you to complete a cartoon of the legislative process (how a bill becomes a law) and today, if you need it, I'll give you time to continue this activity (it is due today). For the rest of today we'll finish our look at the legislative branch by examining the Senate. We'll understand the role of the Senate, figure out what patronage is and review the concept of senate reform. You'll need to work on questions 1 & 2 from page 233 and question 7 from page 247 in the Counterpoints textbook on the Senate. In order to help with question 7 we'll watch a short Brain Pop video on the "Branches of Government" in the U.S.A. in order to understand how their senate is different than ours. For a simple explanation you can look here or here or here.

B Block Geography 12 - OK Lets get this out of the way right now....No the movie the Core is not possible. We do not have the technology to burrow our way to the core of the earth and detonate a nuclear device in order to start the liquid outer core rotating. Today we start with tectonics and the internal structure/composition of the earth. We'll take some notes down in the week 3 package on core, mantle, and crust and then we'll watch the first 20 minutes of the Amazing Planet DVD from National Geographic. You may use the Earth Interior web page or the Dynamic Earth webpage to help with questions 7 & 8 from page 366 of your Geosystems text (answers can be found between pages 334 and 336 of the text).

Use this diagram for your notes in the week 3 package.

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