Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Wednesday, January 8. 2014

Today's schedule is B-AG-A-D-C

B Block Social Studies 10 - Today you'll have time at the beginning of the class to finish up yesterday's work on the Canadian Pacific Railroad (questions 1 and 3 from page 202 and question 5 from page 203 of the Horizons textbook). We begin the last history section in our course by looking at immigration to and settling of the Canadian west. We'll look at government propaganda- advertising that was used to entice Europeans to come to Canada and I'll have you do a comparison chart on the picture from page 242 and the poster from page 243 of the Horizons text. We'll focus on the power of advertising and Clifford Sifton's "Last Best West". We'll also look at the Township and Range division of Prairie land along with the Icelandic and Mennonite settlers on the Prairies and we'll watch "The Last Best West" from Canada: A People's History.
Alberta's Township System
Canadian Archives Immigration Printed Advertisements
CBC Canada: A People's History: "Canada Opens its Door"

A Block Criminology 12 - Today, to start the class we'll begin our look at property crimes, where we'll discuss the history of theft and make sense of the differences between occasional and professional thieves. You'll need to answer the following:

What are the differences between a professional and an occasional thief?
What is a "situational inducement"?
What is a "Booster", a "Heel", a "Snitch", a "Fence"?

Next you'll need to work the following:

You work for the Retail Council of Canada and have been hired to create a poster campaign about shoplifting. The poster campaign has two purposes:
  1. To help employees identify people who are shoplifting and
  2. To explain how to reduce shoplifting in stores (target hardening and target removal strategies)
Look at figure 11.2 on page 257 in the Criminology text for help. Here are some further ideas and points.....

Spot the Shoplifter: Unfortunately, there is no typical profile of a shoplifter. Thieves come in all ages, races and from various backgrounds. However, there are some signs that should signal a red flag for retailers. While the following characteristics don't necessarily mean guilt, retailers should keep a close eye on shoppers who exhibit the following:
  1. Spends more time watching the cashier or sales clerk than actually shopping.
  2. Wears bulky, heavy clothing during warm weather or coats when unnecessary.
  3. Walks with short or unnatural steps, which may indicate that they are concealing lifted items.
  4. Takes several items into dressing room and only leaves with one item.
  5. Seems nervous and possibly picks up random items with no interest.
  6. Frequently enters store and never makes a purchase.
  7. Enters dressing room or rest rooms with merchandise and exits with none.
  8. Large group entering the store at one time, especially juveniles. A member of the group causes a disturbance to distract sales staff.
This will today and tomorrow to complete and will be handed in on Monday for marks. For more check out:
Preventing Retail Theft (you can't make a profit it your merchandise is free)
Using Customer Service to deter theft
Simple steps to deter retail theft
Preventing Retail Theft pdf
Don't forget that tomorrow you have a quiz on violent crime

D Block Law 12 - Yesterday we focused on trespass to person and property and today we'll start with defences to those intentional torts (consent, self-defence, defence of a third party, defence of property, legal authority, and necessity). Finally, we'll look at defamation of character and strict liability in civil law and then we begin looking at Family Law (our focus is on marriage and divorce). We will understand the differences between the formal and essential requirements of marriage. Here's an example: In BC sections 28 & 29 of the Marriage Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 282 indicates consent is required to marry someone under the age of 19 and forbids marriage to someone under the age of 16. Specifically the act states:

28 (1) Except as provided in subsections (2) to (4), a marriage of a person, not being a widower or widow, who is a minor must not be solemnized, and a licence must not be issued, unless consent in writing to the marriage is first given

(a) by both parents of that person if both are living and are joint guardians, or by the parent having sole guardianship if they are not joint guardians or by the surviving parent if one of them is dead,

(b) if both parents are dead, or if neither parent is a guardian, by a lawfully appointed guardian of that person, or

(c) if both parents are dead, and there is no lawfully appointed guardian, by the Public Guardian and Trustee or the Supreme Court.

29 (1) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (3), a marriage of any person under 16 years of age must not be solemnized, and a licence must not be issued.

(2) If, on application to the Supreme Court, a marriage is shown to be expedient and in the interests of the parties, the court may, in its discretion, make an order authorizing the solemnization of and the issuing of a licence for the marriage of any person under 16 years of age.

You should be aware that there are 11 classes remaining until our final exam days and 15 classes remaining until our major project is due....no pressure.

BC Vital Statistics Agency - How to get married in BC
JP Boyd's BC Family Law Resource - Legal Requirements for a valid marriage
MacLean Family Law Group - How to get married in BC

C Block Crime, Media and Society 12 - Today we'll continue our look at the Russell Williams case from 2010. Yesterday in class we watched the CBC Fifth Estate documentary "Above Suspicion" on the case and it reflected the Canadian coverage of the case. Today we'll look at the American coverage of the case, specifically the CBS 48 Hours Hard Evidence documentary: "Name, Rank, Serial Killer". We'll look at the "Cross Border Crime Stories" handout I gave you and after watching the episode perhaps you'll have a better grasp on the differences between our two legal cultures when it comes to crime coverage in the media. The biggest difference is the limitations on what can be reported about criminal prosecutions. Consider the differences in what was reported and how it was reported.

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