Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wednesday, October 9. 2013

Today's schedule is B-AG-A-D-C

B Block Social Studies 10 -  Today we'll finish up our work from yesterday's class (questions 1 & 2 on page 56 of the Horizons text along with questions 2 & 5 on page 64 of the Horizons text) and then we'll look at the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman and Mary Ann Shadd. Lastly you'll need to add question 4 from page 64 of the Horizons text to your work and hand it in to me today.. For more on the Underground Railroad see:
The Underground Railroad (Scholastic)
The Underground Railroad (National Geographic)
Tracks to Freedom: Canada & The Underground Railroad
The Underground Railroad: Freedom Trail
PBS Africans in America: The Underground Railroad
Mary Ann Shadd Biography
Black History Canada: The Underground Railroad
If there's time, I'll talk with you a bit about the Slave Haven Underground Railroad Museum at the Burkle Estate that I visited in Memphis Tennessee. The map above will help you visualize the routes to Canada. Monday sees us look at the characters involved in the Upper Canada Rebellion.

A Block Law 9/10 - Today we will continue our look at crime scene investigation and you'll have time to work on your fingerprint graph assignment in class. Don't forget that the computer program that identifies digital fingerprints is called AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System). We will look at ballistics, fibres and the collection and processing of DNA evidence. Together as a class, we will work through the Rookie Training simulation on the  Rice University's CSI: The Experience Web Adventure . We'll do the training for Forensic Biology (DNA), Toxicology, Firearms and Toolmarks (Ballistics), Medical Examiner (Pathologist) and CSI Ethics.

D Block Law 12 - To start the class I'll give you a bit of time to finish the "Parties to an Offence" work (questions 1-3 on page 133), the "Criminal Court System" work (questions 1-5 on page 138) and the "Court Level Scenario" work from yesterday's blog entry. After, we will be looking at the Criminal Code of Canada and we will focus our attention on violent crimes - specifically the categories of homicide in Canada. We'll learn the difference between culpable and non-culpable homicide and examine the levels of murder (first and second degree) as well as manslaughter (voluntary and involuntary). We'll look at R. v. Nette (2001) and answer questions 1-4 on the case together and to end the class

C Block Criminology 12 - OK so we know where violence comes from. We know what homicide is, the divisions of murder and why people do it. We understand what sexual assault is, the typology of assault and the motives for doing it. Today I'll finish up the violence section with you by looking at abuse, domestic assault and review yesterday's topic on terrorism. You'll have a unit quiz tomorrow and after we'll begin property crime. You need to hand in your work from last week to me (typology of rapist and identify and explain the motives for sexual assault). For terrorism consider the following:

By design, terrorist attacks are intended to have a psychological impact far outweighing the physical damage the attack causes. As their name suggests, they are meant to cause terror that amplifies the actual attack. A target population responding to a terrorist attack with panic and hysteria allows the perpetrators to obtain a maximum return on their physical effort. One way to mitigate the psychological impact of terrorism is to remove the mystique and hype associated with it. The first step in this demystification is recognizing that terrorism is a tactic used by a variety of actors and that it will not go away. Terrorism and, more broadly, violence are and will remain part of the human condition. The Chinese, for example, did not build the Great Wall to attract tourists, but to keep out marauding hordes. Fortunately, today's terrorists are far less dangerous to society than the Mongols were to Ming China.

For more on this read Keeping Terrorism in Perspective at Stratfor

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