Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thursday, October 4. 2012

Today's schedule is D-C-B-A

D Block Social Studies 11 - Today with Ms. Curry you'll finish up with the election presentations. So far, your presentations have been great and the debate has been heated! Nice work.

We will (hopefully) work on the beginning part of our WWI unit. I'll discuss the Laurier era, and will assign some homework. Please do questions 1 and 2 on page 9 and questions 3 and 4 on page 13 (in your textbook, Counterpoints).

Some of you have asked about other homework I've assigned. If you get these in by Friday, I'll mark them; any later and no dice! I assigned questions 3 and 4 (a and b) on page 258 and also asked you to complete these lobbyist questions.

C Block Criminology 12 - On Thursday we will continue our focus on violent crime. I'll give you a few notes on rape and sexual assault in Canada. You'll take down a few notes on what a sexual assault is along with the three levels of sexual assault in Canadian Law. After I'd like you to focus on two questions: one on Groth's typology of rapist and the other on the causes for sexual assault.

1. Explain the three types of rapist according to Groth (anger, power, and sadistic)
2. Identify and explain the causes for sexual assault

You'll need to look at evolutionary and biological factors (remember Sigmund Freud's Thantos and Eros or instinctual drives that allowed species to be successful?). Look at modern male socialization (boys are taught to be aggressive, forceful, tough, and dominating...think about how boys play when they're young) and then at hypermasculinity (where some men have callous sexual attitudes and believe that violence is "manly"). Lastly consider both violent experiences (remember that those boys who were exposed to violence in the household are more likely to commit violent acts when they grow older) and sexual motivation (social, cultural, and psychological forces...think about the messages hidden in Axe body spray commercials).
For more info check out the following sites:
Teen Handbook on Sexual Assault (Sarnia Sexual Assault Survivor's Centre)
The Devastation of Sexual Assault (Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime)
Prevent Sexual Violence: Love Shouldn't Hurt Youth Zone
Alberta Association of Sexual Assault Centres
Consider the message that this commercial sends to people...

Now consider what the commercial indicates about sex in modern society. Who is the commercial targeted at and what are the sexual roles in the commercial. After you talk about this I'd like to share the CBC DocZone Documentary "Sext Up Kids" with you. The documentary exposes how growing up in a hyper-sexualized culture hurts our kids and sends the wrong messages that could potentially lead to sexual assaults. From the CBC site:

From tiny tots strutting bikini-clad bodies in beauty pageants to companies marketing itty-bitty thongs and padded bras to 9-year olds, images of ever-younger sexualized girls have become commonplace.  Add to that: ever-younger boys with 24-7 access to hard-core internet porn.   It saturates their lives - from skate parks to the school bus – by the time they’re eighteen, 80 percent of boys are watching porn online.

So we'll watch the documentary and use information from it to help with our blog entry next Tuesday.

B Block Geography 12 - Today we're off to the library to begin our first day of research on the Orting high school case study. Should the town of Orting, Washington, build a new high school to attract people to their community or not? What will the impact of increased population be on the tiny town that sits in the shadows of Mt. Rainier? The assignment is in your week 5 package and was adapted from the following website:

Websites of help for this assignment:

The following URL’s will help:

Just a note of caution...

What is the greatest danger to Orting? Of all that could potentially happen at Mount Rainier what poses the greatest threat? Now ask yourself what triggers that threat? What causes it to happen? Last think about the statistical likelyhood of that event happening. How likely is the event to occur in the next 5, 10, 100, or 1000 years? Check out the risk analysis section of the COTF website for help here.

A Block Law 12 -Today with Ms. Curry you'll hand in your Human Rights' posters, and after you'll get started on the criminal law unit. I'll have you fill out some worksheets so that I know what you're interested in. We'll discuss criminal vs. civil law, the Canadian Criminal Code, the definition of a crime, actus reus and mens rea and immoral vs. illegal behaviours. To explain, we'll look at a case or two, and you'll do these questions: #1 on page 118, #1 and 2 on page 121, and the case study on page 124 (please do #1 to 4).

You missed out on a Law and Order episode last Friday, so we'll make it up tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

It was an alright documentary and did it's job of trying to open people's eyes. The problem I had with it though is that it didn't take it far enough. Once they had the audience's attention who now knew about what was going on it turned into an anti sex campaign. Instead of informing parents, the key demographic, on how to help teach their kids how to deal with the world they live in they just chose to promote totally blocking it all out. Not once was there any talk of how to stay safe and deal with what will be thrown at you.

Anti sex has been proven again and again not to work. I am disappointed in the choices the producers made by not trying to help the situation once they had a grip on the the audience. It really felt like the documentary was acting like one of those parents who just 'grabs his shotgun.'

I am rambling but parents need to educate children and teens how to deal with what the world will throw at them, and they need help to do it. Like you said in class no one wants to talk to their parents or their kids about this, but when nobody does of course things are just going to keep getting worse.

Geo Teacher said...

Hi Reese thanks for the comment on the documentary. Obviously the doc is a biased point of view and tries to impress upon the viewer the impacts of a hypersexualized culture on adolescent cultural development and the emotional health of young people.

I don't necessarily think that the filmmaker, Maureen Palmer, wanted to promote an anti-sex campaign here...quite the opposite. I think that the underlying message is to create an open space so that parents and children can communicate about sexuality and healthy relationships.

I'm pretty sure that some people will view this documentary as a call for abstinence education but I hope not; I hope it is seen as a call for dialogue.

Mahalo for your post