Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, October 22. 2012

Today's schedule is A-B-C-D

A Block Law 12 - Today with Ms. Curry... I won't be handing back the quizzes today as not everyone in class has written them yet. We will start a new chapter - the police investigation and how to get arrested (or more... how not to get arrested!). I promised that we'd watch some sort of video, so it'll be your choice - an episode of the Black Widow or one from Law and Order

B Block Geography 12 - Today, you'll need to work on the physical weathering questions in your week 8 package: definition of frost action, exfoliation, and pressure release jointing along with questions 10, 12, 13, and 15 from page 442 of your Geosystems textbook. You can find the answers between pages 420-423 in the text. Next, we move on to chemical weathering. We'll take some notes down about carbonation (solution), oxidation, and hydration and fill in a chart on weathering types, rates, and their connection to climate conditions.

Lastly you'll need to work on questions 17, 20, and 21 from page 443 in the Geosystems text and you can find the answers between pages 423-427 in the text. We'll use the animations found at the University of Kentucky Earth & Environmental Sciences department

C Block Criminology 12 - Today your blog entry will be to discuss the qualities of a financially successful professional burglar. In your blog entry today, discuss why some burglars prefer to victimize commercial property rather than private homes. Note some of the major techniques for how burglars approach their jobs. Why would some burglars want to hit the same target more than once? How might a burglar develop the kind of skills needed to become lucrative in this career? (HINT: don't forget Shover's qualities of a good burglar here). Use the episode of Leverage that we watched on Friday to help you with this entry and find a real case of a career burglar to help as well.

D Block Social Studies 11 -  Today with Ms. Curry... you have your WWI unit test! I know you'll do fine because you finished up your WWI review package :)

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