Monday, September 10, 2012

Tuesday, September 11. 2012

Today's schedule is C-D-A-B

C Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll start by looking at the work from yesterday - the difference between deviance and criminal behaviour (acts that are criminal but not deviant and deviant but not criminal). I'll have you share your ideas together as a class and then give you some time to choose one and decide whether we should "criminalize" or "decriminalize" that behaviour. After a bit, you can hand in your work on deviance and criminality.

D Block Social Studies 11 - Yesterday we continued our look at the government structure by focusing on our Federal system of governance. We'll start today by going through your definitions from the end of yesterday's class, then we'll begin looking at the "Division of Powers" and then we'll finish our look at Federalism with challenges to it (think regionalism from yesterday). We'll take a diagram down about the structure of our government and then we'll look at the legislative branch of government. No homework tonight! For more information on the Federal system of governance (Federal, Provincial, and Municipal division of powers check out the following websites:
Governor General of Canada
The Federal Government
The Constitution Act 1982

A Block Law 12 - Yesterday we looked at the divisions of Public (criminal, constitutional, and administrative) and Private law (tort, family, contract, property, and labour law). We didn't get to the assignment I wanted to work though yesterday so...Your assignment will be to look up the penalties for a law (in the Canadian Criminal Code) that you disagree with and explain why we should have stronger or lighter penalties for this law. Look at yesterday's blog site for more information on the example of "Mischief" C.C. 430. (1)This will need to be submitted to me for marks after we share as a class.

B Block Geography 12 - Today we'll finish the 5 Themes and then we'll move on to systems and spheres. This is an important class as everything we look at in geography will be through the lens of systems science. We'll look at systems, feedback, equilibrium, and thresholds.You'll have four questions to work on tonight (What is a System; Define and give examples of Open and Closed Systems; Explain with examples what Positive and Negative Feedback is; and Explain in terms of systems what Dynamic Equilibrium, Thresholds, and Metastable Equilibrium are).

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