Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wednesday, May 30. 2012

Today's schedule is B-A-D-C

B Block Law 12 - Today, we'll talk about annulment, separation (living separate and apart) and separation agreements. Next, we'll deal with divorce, property division and support obligations. We'll look at: the equal division rule and the matrimonial home; spousal support and self sufficiency; and the types of child guardianship, access, and child support. On Thursday we'll begin watching "The War of the Roses" in class and Friday we're back in the library for continued work on our major project.

A Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll work on China's One Child policy. We'll work through questions 1-4 on the Reading a Graph activity on page 327 and questions 2 & 3 on page 331 in the Counterpoints textbook together as a class. The remainder of the class will be spent on the Population Activity handout that I will distribute in class. We'll examine the population pyramids of Canada, Mexico, India, and China for 2003 and the projected pyramids for India and China in 2025. You'll have some analytical questions to work on related to the demography of these countries. Don't forget to check out the "World Clock" on the Poodwaddle web site.

D Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll go through yesterday's work: What characteristics must a good burglar have? (Look at Neil Shover's explanation on page 264) and What are the differences between male and female burglars? After that we'll look at arson and the motives for setting fires intentionally. Lastly we'll watch an episode of Leverage (the Boost Job) from Season 3. Keep an eye on the skill set of the burglars and watch how they play their mark. In the episode Nate (the master mind of the group) briefs the team and explains that the owner of Penzer's Auto, Duke Penzer, is an ex-racer and he "clones" stolen cars by registering them in other states. Parker (the thief) knows all about how car theft works and explains how Penzer runs his scam...The episode deals with auto theft, fraud, and good burglars.

C Block Geography 12 - Today we are going to make sense of ecosystem evolution and community succession (thrown in will be the terms establishment and extinction). We'll try to understand how species co-evolve and adapt to create complex communities (self regulation and emergent properties) and then we'll look at Mount St. Helens to understand primary and secondary succession. We'll watch the last portion of the DVD "Fire Mountain: The Eruption and Rebirth of Mount St. Helens" in order to better grasp the rates of recovery for ecosystems around the volcano. The embedded video below from PBS is also a very good (specifically chapters 3 "The Blowdown Zone" and 5 "Bouncing Back") You'll need to complete questions 21 & 22 from page 662 of your Geosystems text along with a question on fire ecology and the effects of modern fire suppression. For more on ecosystem services and conservation see the National Geographic Earth Pulse website.



For the audio slide show of "Life Returns to the Blast Zone" click here and then launch the interactive feature.

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