Thursday, May 31, 2012

Friday, June 1. 2012

Today's schedule is C-Ag-D-A-B

C Block Geography 12 - Today we'll continue our look at resources, resource use, and management issues. We'll talk again about renewable and non-renewable resources along with the four ethical views on resource use (economic/exploitation; preservationist; balanced-multiple use; and ecological or sustainable). After, we'll watch the first few sections of the Human Footprint DVD we previewed yesterday. Don't forget I'd like you to track your water consumption for the week.

D Block Criminology 12 - Today, you'll be introduced to Edwin H. Sutherland's Differential Association Theory (he introduced the concept "white collar crime"). We'll take a few notes and see what we can find on the Internet about white collar crime....spoil alert LOTS!
National Check Fraud Center
Robert O. Keel White Collar Crime
Canadian Encyclopedia White Collar Crime
Federal Bureau of Investigation White Collar Crime Division
Understanding White Collar Crime
News Stories of White Collar Crime
After, we'll watch Chapters 1-8 in the movie "The Corporation" and for our last blog entry, you will need to work on the "Can Corporations Commit Murder" questions 1 & 2 from page 285 as well as question 1 from page 291 in your Criminology the Core textbook. Please do not forget that the documentary is an opinion is trying to persuade you that a corporation acts like a psychopath. Not all business is bad but we do need to understand the "corporate view" of white collar criminal activity.

A Block Social Studies 11 - Today we will take a look at population distribution, density, carrying capacity, and the limits to population growth. We'll look through pages 332 - 337 in the text and then you'll have the rest of the class to work on your population assignment (due a week from today). Our next topic is living standards, poverty, debt, and health on a global scale.

B Block Law 12 - Today we have the library booked for us to continue working on out civil law project. Please make sure you use your class time wisely because after today there are only eleven (11) classes remaining before our two in-class exam days and twelve (12) classes remaining before the case study project is due. Monday we'll be in the library again; Tuesday we will look at guardianship and support guidelines in Canada; Wednesday we'll use the notebooks and Thursday we'll start "The War of the Roses".

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