Monday, October 10, 2011

Tuesday, October 11. 2011

Today's schedule is C-D-A-B

C Block Law 9/10 - Today we will continue our look at criminal forensics by looking at how investigators estimate time of death, how fingerprints are "lifted" at a crime scene (including what AFIS is), what the "Four T's" are for marks at a scene, how fibres are used, and what ballistics is. This week we'll do our fingerprinting activity, we'll work through two of the modules of the Rice University CSI website and you'll have a crime to try and solve in class.

D Block Social Studies 11 - Today we start looking at the Laurier Era in Canadian history. I want you to think about what life was like, here in the Comox Valley, 100 years ago in 1911. How big was the community? Where did people live? What did people do? What were manners like? What were the values of society? Look at the Courtenay and District Museum and Archives to see pictures.

Cliffe Avenue around 1900

Check out the "Get Briefed" website to see some information about the Laurier Era in Canada.

After this discussion I'll have you look through pages 9-12 in the Counterpoints textbook and work on questions 1-4 on page 13 (due tomorrow).

A Block Criminology 12 - Today we are going to the library to work on our next blog / journal entry. Below, you'll find a question on hypermasculinity, male socialization, and sexual assault. I will need you to answer that question and then find a news story about a sexual assault. You will need to try to explain the motivation and roots of the behaviour of the assaulter in the story.

Explain how sexual behaviour could be socialized in males. Do you think that males who commit sexual assault are "hypermasculine"? Why and where do men learn "hypermasculine" behaviour?

The factors that predispose men to commit sexual assault include evolutionary factors, male socialization, psychological abnormality, and social learning. Most criminologists believe that rape is not sexually motivated. The evolutionary and biological factors of males suggest that sexual assault may be instinctual and developed over the ages in an effort to perpetuate the species. This notion holds that men who are sexually aggressive will have a reproductive edge over their more passive peers. Conversely, the male socialization view argues that men are socialized to be the aggressors and expect to be sexually active with many women. Sexual insecurity, then, may then lead some men to commit sexual assault to bolster their self-image. Hypermasculine men typically have a callous sexual attitude and believe that violence is manly. Finally, another view is that men learn to commit sexual assaults as they learn any other behaviour.

Here is another perspective on this issue. Think about the media we are exposed to in youth...

Check out more at the official Miss Representation website.

B Block Geography 12 - Today we are watching one of the worst disaster movies of all time...Dante's Peak (oh Bond...James Bond; I mean Dalton...Harry Dalton of the USGS Cascade Volcano Observatory you dedicated vulcanologist yet tortured soul).

You will have a series of questions to answer about the volcanology in the movie. Believe it or not there are actually some good things about the movie. I'm a big fan of the lahars and the pyroclastic flow is a fairly decent recreation. What I really want is a truck that can drive over top and through a lava flow like the US Forest Service truck in the movie...That would be sweet! Seriously though there are too many errors in science to count but you'll need to try to identify a few. We'll finish the movie on Wednesday. By the way I'd like to remind you that you have a unit final on tectonics this Thursday...please prepare yourself so you should:


A note about your test. You will have a unit final on tectonics (and to a smaller extent topographic map skills and systems) this Thursday...That is October 13th. At the beginning of the year I handed you a review for the final exam (in your course outline) so look over the weeks one through five note/assignment packages and the review on the course outline to see what you should prepare for. If all else fails ask for help.

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