Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday, April 6. 2011

Today's schedule is D-C-A-B

D & A - Criminology 12 - Today we start with your final quiz in the course (property crime, white collar and public order crimes). When finished we'll start our seminar discussions on the topics you've been researching. I'll ask for "volunteers" rather than "voluntolds" to get the ball rolling today. I am really looking forward to seeing what Criminological topic you're interested in. Remember you've got a minimum of five minutes and this is not a stressful situation. Good luck.

C - Geography 12 - Today we'll get a chance to finish up all the work from last week (Week 8: Day 37 - water and the hydrosphere; Day 38 - stream profiles and flood plains)along with the Winnipeg topographic map that we started this past Monday. Tomorrow we'll have a bit of time to finish any of the work we didn't accomplish today and we'll look at coasts (both erosional and depositional). Friday sees us focus on floods (specifically the Red River flood of 1997 and we'll see how it connects to the Winnipeg topographic map that we worked on this week).

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today you'll start the class with a Q & A session on volcanoes. This will be an opportunity for you to ask me anything about volcanoes that you want to know. This will take the class so tomorrow you'll have some work to look at along with some sweet lava footage to watch.

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