Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesday, April 12. 2011

Today's schedule is D-C-A-B

D & A - Criminology 12 - Today we'll try to make sense of your ideas on the nature of crime that we brainstormed in class yesterday which lead us into an exploration of criminological theory. To start, I want you to continue with your brainstormed list of all the reasons you can think why someone would commit a crime. We'll collect all of your ideas on the board and today we'll try to categorize them into crime theory clusters. After, we'll begin our look at the nature vs. nurture debate by focusing on the history of psychological and sociological criminology (Power Point). For the rest of the week I'd like you to create your own theory of why crime happens. You'll need to use the brainstormed list we did in class along with the notes you take today on the history of Criminology. Use the Crime Theory Web Site found on this link. Tomorrow we'll look at the difference between deviance and criminal behaviour (acts that are criminal but not deviant and deviant but not criminal) and the three views on crime (interactionist, consensus, conflict).

C - Geography 12 - Today you have the block to continue your work on glaciers that we started yesterday. I'll have the Planet Earth Ice Worlds episode on you for the block and at the end of the class I'll review the gradation unit with you so that you can prepare for next Monday's unit final.

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today we start with an explanation of three types of volcanoes (composite or stratovolcano, shield, and cinder). You can find explanations at the following websites:
Exploring the Environment: Volcanoes
SDSU Geology Department: How Volcanoes Work
USGS: Principal Types of Volcanoes
GSC: Types of Volcanoes
You can also look at videos explaining them here:
How Stuff Works: Types of Volcanoes
National Geographic: Volcanoes 101

For the remainder of the class you will need to complete a few questions from your Earth Science and the Environment text: "For Review" questions 11, 12, & 14 and "For Discussion" question 6 all on page 194. NOTE: Your unit final will be next Monday (April 18th).

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