Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thursday, April 21. 2011

Today's schedule is C-D-B-A

C - Geography 12 - Today we'll begin our look at stratospheric ozone. After looking at the ways that ozone protects us and understanding how it can be destroyed by CFCs you'll need to complete questions 8 and 9 from page 90 in your Geosystems textbook. For more information on Ozone look at:
US Environmental Protection Agency Stratospheric Ozone page
European Commission on the Environment Ozone page

We'll talk about air pollution, specifically the anthropogenic additions to our atmosphere. We will look at the effects of nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxides on human health and terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
Environment Canada Air Pollution site
David Suzuki Foundation Air Pollution Site
National Public Radio site on the London "Killer Fog" of 1952
EPA website on acid rain

D & A - Criminology 12 - Today, we'll finish up yesterday's work on Actus Reus, Mens Rea, Mala in Se and Mala Prohibitum; along with the differences between Indictable, Summary Conviction and Absolute Liability Offences, criminal law defences and the goals of criminal law.

After, we'll examine where we get our information about trends in crime (UCR, PRVS, Self-Reports). We'll look at the BC Crime trends from 1998 - 2007 and then we'll talk about the disparity (difference) between the public perception of violent crime and the actual rates of violent crime in Canada. This weekend I'd like you to watch the first ten minutes of two news broadcasts: one Canadian and one American (local broadcasts like Seattle and Vancouver not national broadcasts please). I'd like you to look at the top stories and see if they were crime related or not. Ask yourself whether the news influences fear about crime or not; this will set us up for our next blog entry on Tuesday.
UVIC Study on Violent, Property and Drug crime rates in BC

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today is your Tectonics Unit Final Test. I hope you come prepared (A.K.A. you studied!) If you did study then I'm sure you'll do fine. Good Luck!

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