Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday, April 8. 2011

Today's schedule is C-D-B-A

C - Geography 12 - Today we will quickly review rivers and streams (floodplains) and after we will discuss floods and watch a video on the Red River flood of 1997 ("Flood of the Millennium") and then you'll need to work on the Red River flood study in your week 9 package.

Some web pages to help with the causes of floods and flood protection measure are:
Public Safety Canada: Floods
Environment Canada: Floods
City of Winnipeg: Floods
Atlas of Canada: Floods
How Stuff Works: Floods
USGS: Floods

A & D - Criminology 12 - This is is the last day for you in Criminology 12. Today, we continue our seminar discussions on the topics you've been researching. Thank you to everyone who has presented so far and I am really looking forward to seeing what Criminological topic you're going to share with the class today. Remember you've got a minimum of five minutes but no more than about eight minutes today so that we can accommodate everyone. Good luck.

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today you're back in the library to work on your major semester long project. Don't forget that last Friday you needed to hand in what you've got accomplished on your project. As today is the last day of the term and I cannot accept any work from term three after today I fully expect that those students who did not get their first check in to me last week will do so during today's class. Thanks.

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