Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday, March 16. 2011

Today's schedule is C-D-B-A

C - Geography 12 - Today you'll need to work on the physical weathering questions from yesterday in your week 7 package (questions 10, 12, 13, and 15 from page 442 of your Geosystems textbook). You can find the answers between pages 420-423 in the text and this flash animation website from the University of Kentucky Geology department will help as well. Next, we move on to chemical weathering. We'll take some notes down about carbonation (solution), oxidation, and hydration and fill in a chart on weathering types, rates, and their connection to climate conditions.

Lastly you'll need to work on questions 17, 20, and 21 from page 443 in the Geosystems text and you can find the answers between pages 423-427 in the text.

A & D - Criminology 12 - Today, you'll be introduced to Edwin H. Sutherland's Differential Association Theory (he introduced the concept "white collar crime"). We'll take a few notes and see what we can find on the Internet about white collar crime....spoil alert LOTS!
National Check Fraud Center
Robert O. Keel White Collar Crime
Canadian Encyclopedia White Collar Crime
Federal Bureau of Investigation White Collar Crime Division
Understanding White Collar Crime
News Stories of White Collar Crime

Tomorrow we'll watch about 30 minutes of the movie the Corporation in order to help us understand this.

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today you'll start work on the "Mapping Mountains, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes" activity. This activity may take today and some of tomorrow's class to complete. You will need to us the two tables on the activity to locate both historical and current earthquake and volcanic activity on a map of the world. You'll need to label six mountain ranges and seven ridge or trench systems. Lastly, I'll ask you to draw all the tectonic plates and label six of them. Lastly there will be some questions on the worksheet to answer.

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