Today's schedule is B-A-D-C
B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today we'll finish our Geological Timescale lab in class. You and your partners will need to record geologic events, epochs and eras on your 2.5 metre long roll of paper. Don't forget that your time line that has a scale of one millimetre = 2 times ten to the sixth power of years (1 million years). Make sure you've got a calculator and coloured pencils or felts with you. When we finish this, you'll work through the "Geologic Time Worksheet 2" using pages 84-90 in the Earth Science and the Environment text. This deals with both absolute and relative time dating principles.
A & D - Criminology 12 - Today we'll begin with a discussion about rape and sexual assault in Canada. You'll take down a few notes on what a sexual assault is along with the three levels of sexual assault in Canadian Law. I would like to focus on Groth's typology of rapist and then examine the causes for sexual assault. We'll look at evolutionary and biological factors (remember Sigmund Freud's Thantos and Eros or instinctual drives that allowed species to be successful?) We'll look at modern male socialization (boys are taught to be aggressive, forceful, tough, and dominating...think about how boys play when they're young). We'll look at hypermasculinity (where some men have callous sexual attitudes and believe that violence is "manly"). We'll look at violent experiences (remember that those boys who were exposed to violence in the household are more likely to commit violent acts when they grow older) and we'll look at Sexual motivation (social, cultural, and psychological forces...think about the messages hidden in Axe body spray commercials).
For more info check out the following sites:
Teen Handbook on Sexual Assault (Sarnia Sexual Assault Survivor's Centre)
The Devastation of Sexual Assault (Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime)
Prevent Sexual Violence: Love Shouldn't Hurt Youth Zone
Alberta Association of Sexual Assault Centres
Consider the message that this commercial sends to people...
C - Geography 12 - Today we're off to room 604 to begin our first day of research on the Orting high school case study. Should the town of Orting, Washington, build a new high school to attract people to their community or not? What will the impact of increased population be on the tiny town that sits in the shadows of Mt. Rainier? The assignment is in your week 5 package and was adapted from the following website:

Websites of help for this assignment:
The following URL’s will help:
Just a note of caution...
What is the greatest danger to Orting? Of all that could potentially happen at Mount Rainier what poses the greatest threat? Now ask yourself what triggers that threat? What causes it to happen? Last think about the statistical likelyhood of that event happening. How likely is the event to occur in the next 5, 10, 100, or 1000 years? Check out the risk analysis section of the COTF website for help here.
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