Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday, March 18. 2011

Today's schedule is D-C-A-B

D & A - Criminology 12 - Today, we'll start by finishing the two chapters in the movie "The Corporation" that deal with the pathology of commerce and the corporate mindset. Pay careful attention to Marc Barry, a Competitive Intelligence Professional or more commonly known as a a corporate spy. Listen to what he has to say about corporate greed. After we'll watch the television show White Collar episode Hard Sell which deals with stock manipulation and churning the value of stock in a boiler room (metaphor). From

The scam is a "pump and dump", in which a group of "junior Gordon Gekkos" is selling bad stock. The guy in charge buys a large amount of dollar stocks, and has his men inflate the price by selling it over the phone. When the price peaks, guy in charge dumps the stock and leaves the buyers holding worthless shares. The average person loses $30,000, and some victims have lost their homes. The boiler room is mobile, moving to a new location after each stock dump

With the time left in the class you can work on "Can Corporations Commit Murder" questions 1 & 2 from page 285 and question 1 from page 291 of the Criminology: The Core textbook. These questions will form the basis of your final blog entry after Spring Break.

C - Geography 12 - We'll watch the Planet Earth Cave episode and you can see the opening sequence here. This will help you with the week 7 questions on Karst topography and solution cave formation. Check out the National Geographic article "Cave of the Crystal Giants" which is about Cueva de los Cristales, or Cave of Crystals, a limestone cavern with glittering selenite crystal beams discovered in 2000 nearly a thousand feet below ground in the Naica mine in northern Mexico.

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - You're back in the library today for your sixth day to work on the major project for the year. Don't forget that it is your responsibility to create a review of the Earth & Space Science curriculum for a student in grade 7 (12 to 13 years old). Your first checkpoint is in two weeks (the Friday when you return from Spring Break) and this will be your first project mark for the term. Please make sure that you use your time wisely.

Enjoy your Spring Break...Pau Hana Ohana!

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