Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday February 3. 2011

C - Geography 12 - Today we'll get back into the foundations of Geography starting with the Five Themes. In order to understand the increasingly complex and interconnected world we live in we need to find a way to make sense of information in a way that doesn't overwhelm us. The Five Themes (Location, Place, Human-Environment Interactions, Movement, and Regions) are a framework for making sense of geographic data. Today, we'll review Location from yesterday and then cover the remaining five themes. We'll work on our Geo ID and then if there's time we'll move on to systems and spheres.

A & D - Criminology 12 - Today we'll start by looking at the work from yesterday - the difference between deviance and criminal behaviour (acts that are criminal but not deviant and deviant but not criminal). I'll have you share your ideas together as a class and then you can hand in your work on deviance and criminality. Next, we'll take a few notes down on important people in Criminology (Beccaria & Utilitarianism; Lombroso & biological positivism; Durkheim and social structures; and Marx and conflict) an dthen we'll look at the three perspectives of how criminologists view crime:

Consensus = the belief that the majority of citizens in society share common values and agree on what behaviours should be defined as criminal.

Conflict = the belief that criminal behaviour is defined by those in a position of power to protect and advance their own self-interest.

Interactionist = the belief that those with social power are able to impose their values on society as a whole, and these values then define criminal behaviour.

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today we'll start to look at systems in Earth and Space Science along with the 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics. I'll give you a few notes on Thermodynamics and systems and then I'll have you work on questions 9 from page 19 and 11 from page 20 of the text.

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