Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 77 - Friday January 14. 2011

A - Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today we'll start with our Four Parties to an Offence cartoon activity. Remember you need to choose a criminal offence to focus on. Look in the pocket Criminal Codes to find an offence that interests you, like any of the following: Alarming the Queen CC 49; Animal Cruelty CC 446(1); Aggravated Assault CC 268; Bigamy CC 290 (1); Injuring or Endangering Cattle (cow tipping) CC 444; Kidnapping (forcible confinement) CC 279; Making Counterfit Money CC 449; Disorderly Conduct - Causing a Distrubance CC 175 (1); Extortion CC 346; Arson CC 433; or First Degree Murder CC 231. Once you've found a crime that interests you sketch out a preliminary diagram that shows the four parties to that offence...

Help with Parties to an Offense: You are a party if you
• Actually commit 21(1)(a)
• Aid – 21(1)(b)
• Abet – 21(1)(c)
• Counsel or procure (22(1) &(2))
The effect of being a party is that you are guilty of committing an offence – you can be a robber in any of the ways set out. It is not a separate offence. You criminal record will reflect that you were guilty of robbery, not abetting robbery.

Next grab an 11x17 sheet of paper and create your good copy of the Four Parties to .... (whatever the offence you chose). This will be due Monday but you certainly have time to complete it today in class. Monday and Tuesday will see us back in the library to work on the forensic science webpage project.

C - Law 12 - Yesterday we looked at the "Essential" requirements for marriage (age, not currently married, affinity/consanguinity, mental capacity, willingness) and the "Formal" requirements for marriage (age, license, ceremony). Today, we'll talk about annulment, separation (living separate and apart) and separation agreements. Next, we'll deal with divorce, property division and support obligations. We'll look at: the equal division rule and the matrimonial home; spousal support and self sufficiency; and the types of child guardianship, access, and child support. On Monday and Tuesday we'll watch "The War of the Roses" in class and Wednesday will be a wrap up and review day because Thursday is the first of your two in-class exam days.

D - Geography 12 - Today we'll continue our look at resources, resource use, and management issues. We'll talk about renewable and non-renewable resources along with the four ethical views on resource use (economic/exploitation; preservationist; balanced-multiple use; and ecological or sustainable). We'll talk about over-consumption and unsustainable resource use practices using the example of water consumption and the Aral Sea. Remember I've asked you to track your family's water consumption for the week and you can use the water footprint calculator at the H20 Conserve website. I'll then show you the National Geographic DVD Human Footprint. There is a great interactive flash site that is connected to the DVD which helps you calculate your Human Footprint.

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