Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 57 - Thursday December 2. 2010

A Block Law 9/10 - Today we'll start with the A&E documentary on Jeffrey Dahmer (Serial Killers:Profiling the Criminal Mind). From the imdb website a review states:

Dahmer: Mystery of the Serial Killer (1993), written by Michael Husain, and focusing on one of the more grotesque serial killers Jeffrey Dahmer. This episode also traces past serial killers. Described as the "embodiment of evil" and like Haley's comet by his defence attorney - who thankfully "only appears once every 75 years", excerpts from Dahmer's trial are seen here as is his own address to the court, though Dahmer has his back to the camera. Forensic Psychiatrist Park Dietz diagnoses Dahmer as being accidently conditioned in puberty to associate sex with violence, control and mutilation, and though he is described as a necrophile, his taste is more for "sex zombies" created from the crude lobotomies of his victims, than corpses. Dietz also comments that Dahmer needed to be drunk to kill and dismember, with Dahmer's alcoholism said to be as compulsive as his murdering. The medical examiner describes what the police found in Dahmer's apartment as a "localised disaster", and the trial scenes also include the testimony

You can find an alternate version of the documentary on YouTube. It is the Biography of Jeffrey Dahmer and can be watched in parts here or below.

While watching the Dahmer video I'd like you to take notes on two questions I'd like you to answer:

Try to build a psychological criminal profile of Jeffrey Dahmer
Why do we glamourize serial killers in the media?
Use the following websites to help this weekend if you need to

About dot com Jeffrey Dahmer

Associated Content Jeffrey Dahmer

Criminal profiling dot com Jeffrey Dahmer

TruTV Jeffrey Dahmer

Please try to answer these two questions as homework on the weekend for Monday next week (December 6th).

C - Law 12 - Today we will we'll continue our look at court room procedures focusing on the advantages of trial by jury and then we'll understand the methods and challenges to jury selection. You'll need to complete questions 2-6 on page 124 of your All About Law text. I'll be pushing you a bit this week to get our criminal law unit finished because next Monday (December 6th) you'll have your unit final test. Remember the unit final will only be on arrests, warrants, pre-trial procedures, trial organization, evidence, and sentencing options post trial.
BC Ministry of the Attorney General - Jury Duty

D - Geography 12 - Today we start looking at storms and "CYCLOGENESIS"...sweet! We will look at mid-latitude cyclones and the source regions of air masses that cause these storms to develop. We'll analyze the difference between the three dimensional structure of a warm front and a cold front and if you're especially good (and you should be as Santa is coming soon) then we'll finish watching our BBC friend Mr. Donal McIntyre and his efforts to combat both cold and wet extremes on the planet. Tomorrow is all about weather maps and then Wednesday through Friday sees us in the library for the Severe Weather power point assignment. Today, you'll need to hand in last week's work on atmospheric moisture (Day 55) and the circulation of air around high and low pressure systems (Day 54). Your work to accomplish for the day is questions 1, 2, and 5 from page 147 and question 10 from page 248 in your Geosystems textbook. The following sites will help with cyclogenesis:
Michael Ritter's The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography on line text
National Weather Service Jet Stream on line weather school
University of Illinois WW2010 Weather Wold Project

Rapid Cyclogenesis Web lesson
Environment Canada Understanding Cyclogenesis

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