Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Today's schedule is A-B-Lunch-C-D

A - Social Studies 11 - Today you have time to work on the questions from the end of yesterday's class. Our focus today is understanding the culture of Canada at the turn of the century. You'll need to understand the following concepts: prejudice, stereotyping, ethnocentricism, xenophobia, and racism. This will help with the questions on assimilation of aboriginal culture, restrictions on Asian immigration, and fear over the changes to Canadian culture.
For Residential Schools and Assimilation see:
CBC News Residential Schools
AFN Residential School History
For Asian Immigration restrictions see:
Canada In the Making: Asian Immigration

For the remainder of the class we'll take a look at the changes to the economy of Canada in the early 20th Century. We'll talk about advances in technology and the resource extraction economy. We'll talk about unions and the gap between wealth and poverty. For the last fifteen minutes you'll need to complete questions 1-3 on page 16.

B- Geography 12 - Today we are going to watch a video on the May 18th, 1980, eruption at Mount Saint Helens. This will take up about 40 minutes of class time and then you have one question to address (on page 7 of your week 5 notes/package). I will review the project/ assignment that you have the next two days in the library for....more on that in class. Check out the eruption recreation video at:
Discovery Channel video Understanding Mount Saint Helens
Discovery Channel Extreme Earth Mount Saint Helens
Cascade Volcanic Observatory Mount Saint Helens
National Geographic Forces of Nature Volcanoes

D- Law 12 - Today we will talk about strict liability and absolute liability. We'll also look at due diligence, attempt, conspiracy, and the four parties to an offense.

Help with Strict v Absolute Liability:

As a criminal law offence Strict Liability is a crime in which Mens Rea need not be proven in order for conviction (NOTE: making an honest and reasonable mistake can be used as a defence). Absolute Liability offences are also offences where the act alone need be proven. The only main defences here are that the act was not voluntary. Both are also referred to as regulatory offences most of the time...these are also referred to as Mala Prohibita as opposed to Mala in Se (Prohibita means the crime is in relation to regulation, it is not a crime which is legislated against because it's morally wrong in Se). The defence of due diligence can be used in Strict Liability cases and not in Absolute Liability cases.

Check out the RCMP on line learning courses here

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